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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 26th February 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 26th February 2020

  1. clamp down on (phrasal verb) – prevent, stop, put an end to; keep under control.
  2. earshot (adjective) – hearing distance.
  3. nerve centre (adjective) – centre of activity, focal point, hub/heart.
  4. mob (noun) – a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people
  5. wield (verb) – use, put to use, employ, handle. 
  6. take over (phrasal verb) – gain control of, take charge of, take command of.
  7. woefully (adverb) – very badly; deplorably, sadly/regrettably.
  8. at best (phrase) – simply, merely, only, nothing but.
  9. outrageously (adverb) – shockingly, excessively, appallingly.
  10. partisan (adjective) – biased, prejudiced, one-sided.
  11. at worst (phrase) – considering someone under the most unfortunate/negative way possible.
  12. erupt (verb) – break out, start suddenly, flare up.
  13. in the making (phrase) – burgeoning, coming, growing, developing.
  14. arson (noun) – setting fire intentionally to damage/destroy public properties, particularly buildings.
  15. indiscriminately (adverb) – aimlessly, unsystematically; carelessly.
  16. unleash (verb) – let loose, release, set free.
  17. passively (adverb) – submissively, unassertively, unresistingly/unassumingly.
  18. smoldering (adjective) – fuming, expressing, showing (great anger).
  19. conflagration (noun) – a large and destructive crisis (fire).
  20. take on (phrasal verb) – compete against, oppose, challenge/confront, fight.
  21. chaos (noun) – disorder, turmoil, mayhem/disruption.
  22. inexplicably (adverb) – in a way something can not be accountable/explainable/understandable.
  23. characterise (verb) – identify, specify, describe.
  24. inaction (noun) – inactivity, negligence, disregard.
  25. inefficiency (noun) – incapability, inability, failure, carelessness.
  26. incitement (noun) – inducement, motivation, provocation.
  27. consent (noun) – permission, authorization, approval.
  28. mobilisation (noun) – the act of bringing people/resources together for a particular cause.
  29. rung (noun) – level, rank, position/grade.
  30. on cue (phrase) – if something happens on cue, it happens after someone said that it would happen; at the signal/indication/hint of someone.
  31. cauldron (noun) – unstable situation, uncertainty (with emotions).
  32. conspiracy (noun) – unlawful plan, intrigue, collaboration/deception.
  33. beside the point (phrase) – irrelevant, pointless, unimportant.
  34. unfailing (adjective) – immeasurable, incalculable, inestimable; constant/steadfast.
  35. shallow (adjective) – insubstantial, superficial, insignificant, empty, trivial.
  36. under someone’s nose (phrase) – (of an action) done without fear and openly.
  37. collusion (noun) – conspiracy, intrigue, secret understanding, collaboration.
  38. whatever it takes (phrase) – anything, extreme measures it takes to achieve something.

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