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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 14th March 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 14th March 2020

  1. override (verb) – disregard/ignore, pay no heed to, overrule/reject (a view, idea, suggestion etc).
  2. pandemic (noun) – The worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  3. antithesis (noun) – direct opposite, reversal, contrast.
  4. social distancing (noun) – a term means actively avoiding crowded public places, is a key element in decreasing the rapid spread of COVID-19. This is an effort intended to limit exposure by reducing face-to-face contact and preventing spread among people in community settings.
  5. far from (phrase) – not, not at all, nowhere near.
  6. optimum (adjective) – most appropriate, ideal, perfect.
  7. COVID-19 (noun) – coronovirus disease 2019.
  8. take hold (phrase) – begin to have an effect.
  9. spectacle (noun) – display, show, event/performance.
  10. sprint (verb) – run at full speed over a short distance.
  11. tilt (noun) – attemptaim, bid for (winning something).
  12. overworked (adjective) – stressed/strained, overtaxed, overburdened.
  13. limb (noun) – arm, leg.
  14. lore (noun) – traditions.
  15. innate (adjective) – natural, intrinsic, inherent; essential/inbuilt.
  16. malevolent (adjective) – malicious/malignant, vicious; harmful, dangerous.
  17. at stake (phrase) – at risk, at issue, in question.
  18. go beyond (phrasal verb) – to do more than required/expected.
  19. troop (verb) – (of people) come together in large numbers.
  20. swap (verb) – exchange.
  21. high-five (noun) – a hand gesture that occurs when two people simultaneously raise one hand each, about head-high, and push, slide, or slap the flat of their palm against the flat palm of the other person.
  22. lost to the world (phrase) – so involved in a task that you don’t realize what is going on around you.
  23. grim (adjective) – severe, serious, threatening.
  24. march (noun) – progress, advance, development.
  25. peril (noun) – danger, jeopardy, risk/difficulty.
  26. call off (phrasal verb) – cancel, abandon, shelve/drop.
  27. keep away (phrasal verb) – make to stay away, prevent, avoid (from coming).
  28. speculation (noun) – prediction, guesswork, opinion/thought.  
  29. linger (verb) – stay, remain, continue/persist.
  30. better sense (noun) – good sense, sound judgment.
  31. prevail (verb) – win, win through, triumph, be successful.
  32. better sense prevailed (phrase) – a sensible decision is made.
  33. bash (noun) – social gathering, social event, get together, celebration.
  34. missive (noun) – message, report, announcement.
  35. heft (noun) – ability, influence; weight/strength.
  36. vociferous (adjective) – outspoken, forthright, vocal.
  37. brand equity (noun) – brand value; that value is determined by consumer perception of and experiences with the brand. If people think highly of a brand, it has positive brand equity.
  38. facet (noun) – aspect, feature, characteristic/nuance.
  39. rule out (phrasal verb) – exclude, eliminate, reject.
  40. for the time being (phrase) – for now, for the moment, for the present.
  41. take a stand (phrase) – to defend/assert one’s point of view.
  42. make a virtue of a necessity (phrase) – to gain an advantage from doing something (which you were forced to do by someone originally) by pretending you are doing it freely and happily; to make the best of a difficult situation.
  43. adhere to (verb) – abide by, stick to, hold to, comply with.
  44. strain (noun) – pressure, stress, demand/burden.
  45. throng (verb) – pack into, jam, fill.
  46. vulnerable (adjective) – unsafe, unprotected, unguarded.
  47. fluid (adjective) – unsteady, unstable, fluctuating.
  48. shape up (phrasal verb) – develop, progress.
  49. emphatically (adverb) – distinctly, clearly, noticeably.
  50. money-spinner (noun) – profitable thing.
  51. precedence (noun) – priority, preference, first place, primacy.
  52. trump (verb) – surpass, outdo, outperform, outshine.

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