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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 23rd March 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 23rd March 2020

  1. by the book (phrase) – in accordance with the rules, abiding by the law, lawfully.
  2. lack (verb) – be without, be short of, be low on.
  3. moral legitimacy (noun) – something in accordance with the rules of an ethic.
  4. impending (adjective) – imminent, about to happen; approaching, forthcoming.
  5. change of guard (phrase) – it used to refer to a situation in which there is a dramatic change in which new people are replacing people (existing) in positions of importance.
  6. on the back of (phrase) – as a result of, after/subsequent; in support of.
  7. disgraceful (adjective) – shameful, shocking, dishonourable, unacceptable.
  8. betrayal (noun) – disloyalty, breach of faith/trust,double-dealing.
  9. vault (noun) – jump, leap, leapfrog.
  10. antithesis (noun) – the direct opposite of something; antipode, contrary, opposite, reverse.
  11. set/keep the ball rolling (phrase) – to cause something (an activity) to continue; maintain a level of activity; keep something (the activity/conversation) going.
  12. unravel (verb) – fall apart, come apart; separate out, disengage.
  13. bring down (phrasal verb) – oust, remove, dismiss (from a position/power).
  14. salvage (verb) – rescue, save, get back, reinstate/restore.
  15. buy time (phrase) – delay, linger, waste time.
  16. woo (verb) – seek the support of, try to win, try to attract, pursue, persuade, coax.
  17. defector (noun) – betrayer, turncoat, traitor.
  18. lure (verb) – tempt, persuade, attract, coax, win over (someone by giving some reward).
  19. dubious (adjective) – suspicious, questionable, doubtful.
  20. defection (noun) – desertion, absconding, decamping.
  21. means (noun) – method, way, procedure.
  22. no less (phrase) – not to mention, furthermore, even.
  23. dishonourable (adjective) – disgraceful, shameful, blameworthy.
  24. stake a claim (phrase) – assert, declare, proclaim; to say that you have a right to own or do something.
  25. in the interest of (phrase) – for the benefit of, for the sake of, considering.
  26. mechanism (noun) – procedure, process, method/technique.
  27. usurp (verb) – take over, appropriate, seize.
  28. perfect (verb) – improve, make perfect, polish, hone, consummate; achieve/accomplish.
  29. restraint (noun) – control, restriction, limitation.
  30. engineer (verb) – bring about, cause/arrange (something skillfully); orchestrate, choreograph, mastermind.
  31. truncated (adjective) – reduced, decreased, diminished; shortened, trimmed, curtailed.
  32. by-pass (verb) – circumvent, avoid, dodge.
  33. Anti-defection law (noun) – The 10th Schedule to the Constitution, popularly referred to as the ‘Anti-Defection Law,’ was inserted by the 52nd Amendment in 1985. The grounds of disqualification are specified in Paragraph 2 of the 10th Schedule. A member would incur a disqualification under paragraph 2 (1) (a) when he “voluntarily gives up his membership of a party” and under 2 (1) (b) when he/she votes (or abstains from voting) contrary to the directive issued by the party.
  34. far too (phrase) – much too.
  35. tussle (noun) – scuffle, fight, clash.
  36. throw up (phrasal verb) – produce something.
  37. considerably (adverb) – greatly, significantly, substantially.
  38. recurrence (noun) – reappearance, repetition, return.
  39. implications (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion.
  40. upend (verb) – overturn, reverse/bottom up, upset, flip, turn upside down.

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