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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 9th April 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 9th April 2020

  1. take over (phrasal verb) – assume control of, take charge of, take command of; acquire, gain, appropriate.
  2. judiciously (adverb) – wisely, sensibly, prudently, thoughtfully, well-advisedly.
  3. suspension (noun) – (temporary) removal, elimination, rejection.
  4. COVID-19 (noun) – coronavirus disease 2019.
  5. at first blush (phrase) – at the first glimpse (glance, brief look, sight).
  6. undermine (verb) – reduce, diminish, impede, hinder.
  7. decentralised (adjective) – relating to transfer of the power/control of a department/government from a single place to other locations.
  8. entitlement (noun) – allowance, allocation, allotment, quota/grant.
  9. combat (verb) – fight, tackle, confront, defy/resist.
  10. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  11. outbreak (noun) – sudden appearance/occurrence (of a disease); outburst, epidemic.
  12. utilisation (noun) – an effective use of something.
  13. dispensation (noun) – arrangement, order, scheme/plan.
  14. procurement (noun) – collection, acquiring, purchasing.
  15. personal protective equipment (PPE) (noun) – safety gear; protective clothing, helmets, masks or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer’s body from injury/disease.
  16. ventilator (noun) – a respirator, a device (used for a patient to breathe).
  17. act upon (verb) – follow, comply with, act in accordance with.
  18. sum (noun) – a particular amount of money.
  19. Consolidated Fund of India (noun) – All revenues received by the Government by way of taxes like Income Tax, Central Excise, Customs and other receipts flowing to the Government in connection with the conduct of Government business i.e. Non-Tax Revenues are credited into the Consolidated Fund constituted under Article 266 (1) of the Constitution of India. Similarly, all loans raised by the Government by issue of Public notifications, treasury bills (internal debt) and loans obtained from foreign governments and international institutions (external debt) are credited into this fund. All expenditure of the government is incurred from this fund and no amount can be withdrawn from the Fund without authorization from the Parliament. (Courtesy:
  20. judicious (adjective) – wise, sensible, prudent, thoughtful, well-advised.
  21. deployment (noun) – the bringing of resources into effective action.
  22. redound (verb) – contribute to, result in, lead to, effect.
  23. credit (noun) – praise, commendation, acclaim, acknowledgement.
  24. redound to one’s credit (phrase) – used to say that someone deserves praise for having done something.
  25. constituents (noun) – all people (members/voters) of a constituency.
  26. non-discriminatory (adjective) – fair, judicial, unbiased.
  27. considerable (adjective) – significant, substantial, a lot of.
  28. disenchantment (noun) – disappointment, dissatisfaction, discontent.
  29. corpus (noun) – (in finance) total amount of money.
  30. goodwill (noun) – an intangible asset (brand name, reputation & etc).
  31. empathy (noun) – compassion, sympathy, feeling.
  32. alacrity (noun) – readiness, eagerness, willingness.
  33. persistent (adjective) – continuous, unrelenting, never-ending.
  34. conceptual (adjective) – theoretical, notional, speculative.
  35. flaw (noun) – defect, fault, imperfection/weakness.
  36. point out (phrasal verb) – identify, recognize, draw attention to, mention.
  37. go against (phrasal verb) – oppose, be contrary to.
  38. encroach on (verb) – influence, have an effect on, impose oneself.
  39. jurist (noun) – an expert in law.
  40. confer (verb) – grant, bestow, present/give.
  41. call out (phrasal verb) – to speak/say loudly, crticize, draw attention to (someone’s bad actions).
  42. strike down (phrasal verb) – abolish, annul, nullify (a law or regulation).
  43. robust (adjective) – strong, powerful.
  44. accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability.
  45. patronage (noun) – support, backing, protection.
  46. dispense (verb) – distribute, allocate, give/provide.
  47. at will (phrase) – as one wishes, at one’s pleasure, at one’s discretion.
  48. flag (verb) – indicate, identify, point out.
  49. inflation (noun) – simply meaning “cost of living”; increase of price level of goods & services and vice versa decrease of currency value.
  50. abrogation (noun) – abolition, repeal, cancellation (of a law/agreement).
  51. highlight (verb) – focus on, underscore, call attention to.
  52. step into someone’s shoes (phrase) – take control of a task/job from another person.
  53. the executive (noun) – the executive is a branch of government which enforces the law as written by the legislature and interpreted by the judiciary.
  54. totality (noun) – entirety, wholeness, fullness.

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