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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 9 May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 9 May 2020

  1. contempt (noun) – 
    disrespect, scorn, disregard, neglect.
  2. dilution (noun) –
    reduction in value/power/force of something.
  3. exemption (noun) –
    exclusion, relief/release, exception.
  4. moot (verb) – 
    propose, suggest, put forward.
  5. await (verb) – 
    wait for, expect, anticipate, look/hope for.
  6. pandemic (noun) –
    the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  7. interest (noun) –
    concern, care. 
  8. set (adjective/predicative) –
  9. revival (noun) –
    restoration, re-establishment, reintroduction, comeback.
  10. indeed (adverb) – 
    in fact, actually, undeniably.
  11. key (adjective) – 
    essential, important, significant.
  12. objective (noun) –
    aim, intention, purpose.
  13. amoral (adjective) – 
    unprincipled, unethical, unscrupulous, without standards/morals.
  14. perverse (adjective) –
    illogical, irrational, unreasonable; wrong, incorrect.
  15. address (verb) –
    tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  16. grant (verb) – 
    give, provide, confer, award.
  17. sweeping (adjective) –
    complete, total, extensive, wholesale.
  18. provision (noun) – 
    term, clause, stipulation, requirement/condition.
  19. embark on (phrasal verb) –
    start, begin, initiate/commence.
  20. boost (noun) –
    encouragement, support, stimulus, fillip.
  21. up (verb) –
    increase, raise, extend.
  22. go by (phrasal verb) –
    to follow something.
  23. suspension (noun) –
    (temporary) removal, elimination, rejection.
  24. external aggression (noun) –
    it can be defined as unilateral attacks with force by one state against another state without a formal declaration of war.
  25. ordinance (noun) – 
    order, rule, act.
  26. save (preposition) – 
    besides, except for, apart from.
  27. in the name of (phrase) – 
    for the sake of, at the behest of.
  28. assent (noun) – 
    agreement, acceptance, approval.
  29. pursue (verb) –
    engage in, conduct, follow, carry on.
  30. consolidated (adjective) – 
    combined, united/merged; fortified, strengthened.
  31. readily (adverb) – 
    without difficulty, without delay, quickly, easily.
  32. wholesale (adjective) –
    extensive, total, complete, sweeping.
  33. safeguard (noun) – 
    protection, security, safety measure.
  34. afford (verb) –
    provide, present, grant, offer.
  35. egregious (adjective) –
    shocking, horrible/terrible, very bad.
  36. inability (noun) – 
    lack of ability, incapability, ineffectiveness.
  37. vulnerable (adjective) –
    unprotected, unguarded, helpless; relating to a weak/neglected person who is in need of special care/support.
  38. underclass (noun) –
    poor & unemployed people.
  39. emphasis (noun) – 
    importance, priority, attention.
  40. consequence (noun) –
    outcome, (end) result, aftermath, ramification, repercussion.
  41. watch (verb) – 
    observe, view, look at.
  42. horror (noun) –
    shock, surprise, dismay, concern (caused by something unexpected).
  43. continuance (noun) – 
    continuation, prolongation, carrying on.
  44. collective (adjective) –
    overall, aggregate, whole; common, shared.
  45. misery (noun) – 
    pain, distress, suffering.
  46. well into (phrase) –
    far into something; it means a significant amount of time has passed since the beginning of something.
  47. lockdown (noun) –
    an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  48. attitude (noun) – 
    standpoint, approach, point of view, way of thinking.
  49. apathy (noun) – 
    disregard, lack of interest, unconcern.
  50. border on (verb) – 
    approach, come close to, look like.
  51. relieve (verb) –
    release (someone) from responsibility.
  52. elementary (adjective) –
    basic, fundamental, essential.



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