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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 16 May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 16 May 2020

  1. quarantine (noun) –
    a process of separating out people, animals and things (such as plants) from others for a period of time in order to control/restrict the spread of a contagious disease; Quarantine is imposed to separate and restrict the movement of persons, who may have been exposed to infectious disease, but not yet known to be ill.
  2. unorganised (adjective) – 
    unsystematic, unmethodical.
  3. front (noun) –
    a particular situation.
  4. campaign (noun) –
    a set of organized actions to achieve an ambition; drive/effort, movement.
  5. pandemic (noun) –
    the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  6. shut down (phrasal verb) – 
    discontinue, cease activity, close.
  7. early on (phrase) – 
    at an initial stage (during the process).
  8. lockdown (noun) –
    an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  9. strand (verb) –
    get stuck, be in a place (unable to move).
  10. consensus (noun) – 
    an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group, agreement, concurrence.
  11. modality (noun) – 
    a particular method or procedure.
  12. lead to (verb) –
    cause, give rise to, result in, bring on.
  13. underscore (verb) –
    underline, emphasize, highlight.
  14. so far (phrase) – 
    until now, up to the present, up to this point.
  15. flat-footed (adjective) – 
    clumsy, awkward, shambling, unprepared, inattentive.
  16. institutional (adjective) –
    enforced at a facility under the supervision of the government authority; regulated, governmental, procedural, official.
  17. incur (verb) – 
    suffer, sustain, experience, bring upon oneself.
  18. considerable (adjective) –
    significant, substantial, a lot of.
  19. insist on (verb) –
    demand forcefully, ask for, press/push for.
  20. lack of (noun) – 
    absence, deficiency, unavailability, fall short of.
  21. certitude (noun) – 
    certainty, confidence, sureness, positiveness.
  22. lack of certitude (phrase) –
    uncertainty, incertitude, indecisiveness, lack of resolution.
  23. set (adjective) –
    likely, prepared, ready (to do something).
  24. reflect (verb) –
    indicate, show, display, represent.
  25. build (verb) – 
    establish, form, secure/obtain.
  26. consensus building (noun) – 
    the process of obtaining general or widespread agreement for a goal, strategy, plan or decision.
  27. besides (preposition) – 
    apart from, in addition to.
  28. baseline (noun) –
    standard, criterion, basis (of comparison for something).
  29. accommodation (noun) –
    a place to stay and live; housing, rooms, lodgings.
  30. non-exploitative (adjective) –
    fair, proper, correct, reasonable/acceptable.
  31. stratified (adjective) –
    divided into categories based on social status/education/income.
  32. inevitable (adjective) –
    unavoidable, sure to happen, unpreventable.
  33. daunting (adjective) –
    intimidating, challenging, disconcerting/unsettling.
  34. scenario (noun) –
  35. vitally (adverb) – 
    essentially, necessarily.
  36. point out (phrasal verb) – 
    identify, recognize, draw attention to, mention.
  37. isolation (noun) – 
    a complete separation from others of a person known or reasonably believed to be infected with communicable diseases.
  38. deem (verb) – 
    regard as, consider, judge, view as.
  39. pre-symptomatic (adjective) –
    relating to a condition/person with mild illness/symptoms.
  40. asymptomatic (adjective) –
    relating to a condition/person with no symptoms.
  41. symptomatic (adjective) –
    relating to a condition/person with symptoms.
  42. recognition (noun) – 
    acknowledgement, acceptance, admission.
  43. case load (noun) –
    the number of cases to be handled by a doctor at one time.
  44. ramp up (phrasal verb) – 
    increase (in amount or number).
  45. cohesive (adjective) –
    united, integrated, cooperated.



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