The Hindu Editorial 09th March 2020
- majesty (noun) – dignity, nobleness, stateliness.
- accommodate (verb) – adjust, adapt, attune, accustom.
- stubborn (adjective) – inflexible, uncooperative, adamant, resolute.
- conflagration (noun) – a large and destructive crisis (fire).
- gridlock (noun) – deadlock, stalemate, standstill, stand-off, stoppage, obstruction.
- take place (phrase) – happen, occur, chance.
- recess (noun) – adjournment, pause, temporary closure.
- altercation (noun) – argument, squabble, quarrel/fight.
- heighten (verb) – intensify, increase, amplify.
- hostility (noun) – opposition, aversion, enmity, antipathy; unfriendliness, bitterness.
- treasury bench (noun) – the front bench (to the right of the Speaker) in the Parliament occupied by the prime minister and other cabinet ministers of the government.
- outnumber (verb) – to have more numbers than (something).
- resort to (verb) – use, utilize, turn to, have recourse to.
- perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly.
- puzzling (adjective) – unclear, confusing, bewildering, perplexing.
- parallel (noun) – similarity, comparison, resemblance.
- gallows (noun) – execution by hanging.
- logjam (noun) – unsettled situation.
- all hands on deck (phrase) – figuratively means that all the members are involved in a situation.
- ill-afford (verb) – to prevent something from happening; to be unable to do (something).
- genuflect (verb) – fall to one’s knees, get down on one’s knees, bow down, show reverence.
- a mark of respect (phrase) – something done to show respect.
- proceedings (noun) – activities, affairs, happenings.
- spirit (noun) – ethos, morale, attitudes, beliefs.
- unyielding (noun) – firm/resolute, inflexible, uncompromising.
- across the aisle (phrase) – In this expression, the “aisle” refers to the actual physical walkway that divides the legislative (parliamentary) halls. Members of the two parties sit on opposite sides.
- unassailable (adjective) – indisputable, undeniable, unquestionable.
- turn into (phrasal verb) – transform into; cause to become (a particular kind of thing).
- majoritarian (adjective) – relating to a philosophy that states that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class, or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy (priority) in society, and has the right to make decisions that affect the society.
- instinct (noun) – natural tendency, inclination, urge/desire.
- ground (noun) – reason, factor, basis.
- bypass (verb) – avoid, circumvent, evade/dodge.
- arbitrarily (adverb) – with personal whim; unreasonably, illogically; autocratically.
- far-reaching (adjective) – important, major, significant.
- persuade (verb) – convince, influence, press someone into, make certain.
- disinclination (noun) – unwillingness, opposition, objection.
- portfolio (noun) – the position/duties of a minister/secretary of state.
- heavyweight (noun) – very important person, leader.
- stature (noun) – reputation, status/position, influence.
- non-partisan (adjective) – fair, just.
- iron out (phrasal verb) – resolve, settle, set right.
- undermine (verb) – reduce, diminish, impede, hinder.
- combative (adjective) – aggressive, quarrelsome, argumentative, confrontational, belligerent.
- troop (noun) – a group of people of a particular kind.