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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 03rd March 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 03rd March 2020

  1. safeguard (noun) – protection, security.
  2. undermine (verb) – reduce, diminish, impede, hinder.
  3. sedition (noun) – incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, trouble making/provocation.
  4. sanction (noun) – permission, approval, consent (official).
  5. prosecute (verb) – charge with, accuse of, indict.
  6. prosecution (noun) – legal action/trail, legal proceeding, litigation.
  7. apply one’s mind (phrase) – to give one’s full attention.
  8. render (verb) – give, announce, pronounce (a verdict).
  9. prima facie (adverb/adjective) – something (first impression) considered as right until proved.
  10. make out (phrasal verb) – understand the motivation of, show to be true/validate; make sense of.
  11. conspiracy (noun) – unlawful plan, intrigue, collaboration/deception.
  12. stress (verb) – emphasize, draw attention to, underscore.
  13. mechanical (adjective) – automatic, habitual; casual, careless.
  14. material (noun) – facts, information, details, subject matter.
  15. tendency (noun) – susceptibility, proneness inclination.
  16. disorder (noun) – disturbance, turmoil, chaos, confusion.
  17. incitement (noun) – inducement, motivation, provocation.
  18. frivolous (adjective) – relating to something which is having no serious, sensible, useful purpose or value and it will also be a waste of time; valueless, insignificant, silly.
  19. contemplate (verb) – consider, think about, reflect on.
  20. enmity (noun) – opposition, hatred/hate, bitterness.
  21. malicious (adjective) – hostile, hurtful, destructive.
  22. outrage (verb) – offend, infuriate, stir up, displease/anger.
  23. subject to (adjective) – conditional on, dependent on, controlled by, under the control of.
  24. scrutiny (noun) – observation, inspection, examination.
  25. provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement.
  26. merits (noun) – an essential inherent quality (rights and wrongs only) while evaluating a case (not by external aspects).
  27. disservice (noun) – injustice, disfavour, harm/damage.
  28. allegedly (adverb) – supposedly, purportedly, reportedly.
  29. seditious (adjective) – provocative, agitational; dissident/insurgent.
  30. accord (verb) – give, grant, present.
  31. mechanically (adverb) – automatically, without thinking, casually, carelessly.
  32. doctor (verb) – falsify, manipulate, change.
  33. wary (adjective) – cautious, careful, circumspect.
  34. endorse (verb) – support, uphold, confirm, vindicate/validate.
  35. moreover (adjective) – besides, furthermore, in addition.
  36. go against (phrasal verb) – oppose, be contrary to.
  37. scrap (verb) – abandon, cancel, abolish/throw out.
  38. narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; portrayal/account.
  39. belated (adjective) – late, behind time, not on time/delayed.
  40. concede (verb) – give up, relinquish, cede, hand over.
  41. nationalistic (adjective) – patriotic, nationalist, jingoistic.
  42. end up (phrasal verb) – come/arrive, turn up (a specified situation finally).
  43. legitimize (verb) – validate, legitimate, permit/endorse.
  44. construct (noun) – idea.
  45. constitute (verb) – form, comprise, represent.
  46. bend on (phrasal verb) – be very determined, be inclined, be prepared to do something.

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