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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 04th March 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 04th March 2020

  1. COVID-19 (noun) – coronovirus disease 2019.
  2. preparedness (noun) – readiness, watchfulness/attentiveness; precaution.
  3. complacent (noun) – smug, self-satisfied, pleased of oneself, satisfy; careless/lax.
  4. coronavirus (CoV)(noun) – a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. (Courtesy: WHO)
  5. novel coronavirus (nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) (noun) – a new strain (type/variety) coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. (Courtesy: WHO)
  6. local transmission (noun) – local spread/transmission means spread of an illness/disease for which the source of infection is known. An infected person has travel history to an affected area. We could able to identify and trace individual cases, and ring-fence a cluster (of them) to prevent the spread of infection.
  7. community transmission (noun) – community spread/transmission means spread of an illness/disease for which the source of infection is unknown. An infected person has no travel history to an affected area and no known contact with a person previously diagnosed with a particular disease. It is possible the patient is exposed to a returning traveler who is infected.
  8. index case (noun) – the first (diagnosed) case of a disease.
  9. viral load (noun) – the number of viral particles found in each millilitre of blood volume.
  10. virology (noun) – the branch of science that deals with the study of viruses.
  11. silver lining (noun) – consoling and hopeful aspect of a difficult/unpleasant situation.
  12. come in contact with (phrase) – to touch someone unknowingly.
  13. come as a surprise (phrase) – to be unexpected, to make someone feel surprised.
  14. in light of (phrase) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  15. pursuit (noun) – aspiration, quest, search.
  16. community surveillance (noun) – (at the community level) it defined as ongoing systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of health data for action.
  17. flee (verb) – escape, abscond, run away/take flight.
  18. screening (noun) – examination, testing (of a group of people for the symptoms of a disease). The process of identifying healthy people who may be at increased risk of disease or condition.
  19. thermal screening (noun) – a process of checking the body temperature of the person and show if he/she has symptoms of viral infections. 
  20. ascertain (verb) – find out, decide/verify, come to know.
  21. median (adjective) – mean (value); midpoint.
  22. incubation period (noun) – the process of incubating (a very initial development stage).
  23. last (verb) – continue, go on, be prolonged.
  24. heartening (adjective) – encouraging, promising, hopeful.
  25. molecular testing (noun) – In medicine, a laboratory test that checks for certain molecules in a sample of tissue, blood, or other body fluid.
  26. turn up (phrasal verb) – be found, be discovered.


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