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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1 July 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1 July 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1 July 2020

Almost every competitive exams has English section, that tests the skill of candidates in English language. Therefore candidates have to perform in this section with their best. So it is most important for the students to improve their writing as well as verbal skills. An important part of this process is working on your English vocabulary.

For improvement of vocabulary we are providing here most important The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1 July 2020.

  1. hold the key (phrase) – 
    to have control.
  2. finely-tuned (adjective) –
    carefully assessed/adjusted; calibrated, regulated.
  3. resumption (noun) –
    restarting, reopening, recommencement.
  4. containment zone (noun) –
    infected zone; a defined area surrounding the initial cases (of a pandemic) to restrict the virus from spreading beyond its limits.
  5. pandemic (noun) –
    the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  6. (contact) tracing (noun) –
    it is defined as the identification and followup of persons who may have come into contact with a person infected with the virus.
  7. sicker comparative adjective of sick (adjective) –
    ill or unwell.
  8. mortality (noun) –
    (in a particular time/for a cause) the rate/number of death.
  9. in excess of (phrase) – 
    more than, over, above.
  10. cast (verb) – 
    assign, give, allot, put.
  11. of course (phrase) –
    naturally, certainly, absolutely.
  12. empower (verb) – 
    authorize, allow, entitle, permit.
  13. impede (verb) – 
    hinder, obstruct, slow down.
  14. inter- (prefix) –
  15. intra- (prefix) – 
  16. influenza (noun) –
    it is commonly known as “the flu”, is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus.
  17. respiratory (adjective) – 
    relating to or affecting breathing (or organs of breathing).
  18. serological (adjective) – 
    relating to a method of diagnostic examination of blood serum concerning immune system’s response to pathogens (pathogen is something, like bacteria/virus, that causes disease).
  19. insight (noun) – 
    understanding, revelation, realization/recognition.
  20. state (noun) – 
  21. fine-tune (verb) – 
    carefully assess/adjust; calibrate, regulate.
  22. stretch (verb) – 
    put a strain on, overtax, overwork, overburden, overtask.
  23. fatigued (adjective) – 
    tired, exhausted, worn out, drained, overtaxed.
  24. measure (noun) –
    course of action, plan of action, step, procedure.
  25. incidence (noun) –
    it refers to the number of new cases that develop in a given period of time whereas prevalence refers to the number of cases of a disease that are present in a particular population at a given time.
  26. caseload (noun) –
    the number of cases to be handled by a doctor at one time.
  27. social/physical distancing (noun) – 
    a term means actively avoiding crowded public places, is a key element in decreasing the rapid spread of COVID-19.
  28. lead to (verb) –
    cause, give rise to, result in, bring on.
  29. compliance (noun) –
    conformity, observation, adherence.
  30. put in place (phrase) –
    initiate, usher in, bring in.
  31. facilitate (verb) – 
    make easier, make possible; assist, help, aid.
  32. inward (adjective) –
    travelling/going to a particular place.
  33. outbound (adjective) – 
    travelling/going away from a particular place.
  34. stranded (adjective) –
    stuck (in difficulties), helpless, abandoned, deserted.
  35. trap (verb) –
    confine, hem in; get stuck, get caught.
  36. provision (noun) –
    providing, supplying, distribution.
  37. quantum (noun) –
    quantity, amount; portion, part.
  38. fall short of (phrase) – 
    be deficient, be inadequate, be insufficient.
  39. imperative (noun) –
    necessary condition, requirement, requisite, obligation.
  40. address (verb) –
    tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  41. undertake (verb) –
    begin, start, embark on, launch into.
  42. formidable (adjective) –
    taxing, difficult, hard, laborious.
  43. halt (verb) – 
    stop, end, cease, terminate.
  44. trajectory (noun) – 
    direction, route, path/way.



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