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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 11 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 11 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 11 June 2020

Almost every competitive exams has English section, that tests the skill of candidates in English language. Therefore candidates have to perform in this section with their best. So it is most important for the students to improve their writing as well as verbal skills. An important part of this process is working on your English vocabulary.

For improvement of vocabulary we are providing here most important The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 11 June 2020.

  1. look back (phrasal verb) – 
    to remember, recall, think about something that taken place in the past; suffer a difficulty/misfortune/setback.
  2. introspection (noun) –
    self-observation, self-examination, self-scrutiny,self-analysis.
  3. lapse (noun) –
    failure, mistake, blunder/oversight.
  4. in order (phrase) – 
    in position, in place; set up.
  5. inter- (prefix) –
  6. accommodate (verb) –
    board, take in, put up, make room for.
  7. back home (phrase) –
    in one’s (own) country/hometown.
  8. besides (preposition) – 
    apart from, in addition to.
  9. lockdown (noun) –
    an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place.
  10. pursue (verb) –
    engage in, conduct, follow, carry on.
  11. triviality (noun) – 
    unimportant, insignificance, lack of seriousness.
  12. in the face of (phrase) –
    when confronted/faced with.
  13. desperation (noun) –
    hopelessness, despair/distress, worry, discouragement.
  14. despair (noun) – 
    hopelessness, depression, distress.
  15. notwithstanding (adverb) –
    nevertheless, nonetheless; in spite of, despite, regardless of.
  16. lingering (adjective) –
    protracted, persistent/prolonged,long-lasting.
  17. intervention (noun) –
    involvement, interference.
  18. motion (noun) – 
    a written request or proposal to the court to obtain an asked-for order, ruling, or direction; proposal,  recommendation, suggestion.
  19. ought to (modal verb) –
    must, should.
  20. go by (phrasal verb) –
    to follow, to accept, to obey something.
  21. unprecedented (adjective) – 
    not done or experienced before.
  22. misery (noun) – 
    pain, grief, anguish, agony, distress, torment, suffering.
  23. ameliorate (verb) – 
    make something better, improve, enhance.
  24. stand out (phrasal verb) –
    be noticeable, be visible, be obvious.
  25. myriad (adjective) –
    a great number, countless, infinite, various.
  26. tribulations (noun) –
    problems, troubles, difficulties.
  27. ferocity (noun) – 
    intensity, severity, strength.
  28. bull-headedness (noun) – 
    stubbornness, adamance, steadfastness, relentlessness.
  29. seek (verb) – 
    try, attempt, aim.
  30. magnitude (noun) –
    size, extent, measure; capacity, strength.
  31. chasten (verb) – 
    subdue, humble, humiliate, flatten; degrade, lower, bring down.
  32. jurist (noun) – 
    an expert in law.
  33. redeem (verb) – 
    atone for, make amends for. 
  34. stature (noun) – 
    reputation, status/position, influence.
  35. willingness (noun) – 
    readiness, preparedness, inclination, desire.
  36. comprehensive (adjective) –
    all-inclusive, complete, thorough & detailed.
  37. affidavit (noun) –
    sworn statement, self attestation, self declaration (of a person).
  38. facilitate (verb) – 
    make easier, make possible; assist, help, aid.
  39. spell out (phrasal verb) – 
    explain, make clear, elucidate/clarify.
  40. the least (noun) –
    the smallest amount/extent of something.
  41. on the part of (phrase) – 
    made by, caused by, from, by.
  42. inadequacy (noun) –
    insufficiency, deficiency, shortage.
  43. paucity (noun) – 
    insufficiency, deficiency, shortage.
  44. belated (adjective) – 
    late, behind time, not on time/delayed.
  45. occasion (verb) –
    cause, give rise to, bring about, result in.
  46. attitude (noun) –
    viewpoint, thinking, perspective, outlook.
  47. shortcoming (noun) – 
    fault, flaw, imperfection/defect.



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