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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 11 May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 11 May 2020

  1. strewn (adjective) –
    scattered (disorderly).
  2. in the making (phrase) – 
    burgeoning, developing, growing, up and coming.
  3. flip-flop (noun) –
    a sudden reversal of something, particularly a policy/plan.
  4. facilitate (verb) – 
    make easier, make possible; assist, help, aid.
  5. lockdown (noun) –
    an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  6. derail (verb) –
    obstruct, interrupt, impede/thwart.
  7. livelihood (noun) –
    means of making a living with the basic necessities (food, water, shelter and clothing); means of support, subsistence, source of income.
  8. inability (noun) – 
    lack of ability, incapability, ineffectiveness.
  9. protocol (noun) –
    procedure, rules, system of rules, method.
  10. every step of the way (phrase) – 
    continuously, constantly, invariably; during the entire process.
  11. put through (phrasal verb) – 
    subject to, experience, go through (an unpleasant/difficult situation).
  12. hardship (noun) –
    distress, trouble, misfortune, suffering.
  13. aggravate (verb) –
    made serious/severe, worsen, compound, exacerbate, enrage.
  14. lack of (noun) –
    absence, deficiency, insufficiency, shortage.
  15. incompetence (noun) –
    inability, incapability, ineptitude, lack of skill/ability.
  16. sight (noun) –
    view, glimpse, seeing.
  17. stream (noun) –
    a large number of people (crowd) moving continuously in a particular direction.
  18. toddler (noun) –
    a young child.
  19. the infirm (plural noun) – 
    weak, feeble, unwell/ailing people.
  20. indelible (adjective) – 
    permanent, lasting, inerasable.
  21. inept (adjective) – 
    unsuccessful, ineffectual, incompetent, clumsy.
  22. circumstances (noun) – 
    situation, conditions, state of affairs.
  23. take into account (phrase) – 
    consider, bear in mind, take account of.
  24. at any costs (phrase) –
    regardless of the effort needed.
  25. take to (phrasal verb) –
    resort to, turn to, have recourse to, start.
  26. spare no effort (phrase) –
    pull out all the stops, to make every effort to succeed; to do everything possible, try hard to achieve something.
  27. make out (phrasal verb) –
    distinguish, recognize, discern.
  28. spectacle (noun) –
    display, sight, view.
  29. make a spectacle of oneself (phrase) –
    to behave embarrassingly (badly) in public.
  30. unfold (verb) –
    occur, happen, take place.
  31. pestilence (noun) – 
    disease, epidemic/pandemic, infection.
  32. tailspin (noun) –
    a situation in which something begins to perform  badly or to fail and becomes out of control; (emotional) collapse due to rapidly increasing chaos or panic; uncontrollable decline, downturn, breakdown.
  33. catch napping (phrase) – 
    catch off guard, find unprepared, take by surprise.
  34. at best (phrase) –
    simply, merely, only.
  35. tenuous (adjective) –
    weak, fragile, shaky; insubstantial, unspecific, indefinite.
  36. slumber (noun) – 
    sleep, nap, rest, drowse/doze.
  37. ferry (verb) – 
  38. stranded (adjective) –
    stuck (in difficulties), helpless, abandoned, deserted.
  39. starving (adjective) – 
    deprived of food, dying of hunger.
  40. workforce (noun) – 
    workers, employees.
  41. reign (verb) –
    exist, be present, prevail, be in effect, be the case.
  42. onerous (adjective) –
    burdensome, difficult, tough, troublesome, stressful.
  43. heap on (verb) – 
    load on, to provide a lot of something (to somebody).
  44. hapless (adjective) – 
    unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated.
  45. get by (phrasal verb) –
    survive, manage, cope, exist, subsist (stay alive with difficulty).
  46. at/in the best of times (phrase) – 
    in the most advantageous situations.
  47. arbitrarily (adverb) –
    unreasonably, illogically; autocratically.
  48. humiliation (noun) –
    embarrassment, discomfiture, disgrace, insult/offence.
  49. desperate (adjective) –
    despairing, hopeless, anguished, distressed.
  50. venture (verb) –
    undertake a risky journey; dare to do something.
  51. get home (phrase) – 
    to return to one’s home; to arrive at one’s home.
  52. map out (phrasal verb) – 
    outline, set out, detail.
  53. orderly (adjective) – 
    systematic, methodical, organized/planned.
  54. pay the price/cost (phrase) –
    experience the bad/unpleasant result of something; sacrifice, loss.
  55. mitigate (verb) –
    reduce, lessen, decrease, make less severe.
  56. just (adjective) – 
    fair, equitable, impartial.
  57. in one’s tracks (phrase) – 



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