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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12 June 2020

Almost every competitive exams has English section, that tests the skill of candidates in English language. Therefore candidates have to perform in this section with their best. So it is most important for the students to improve their writing as well as verbal skills. An important part of this process is working on your English vocabulary.

For improvement of vocabulary we are providing here most important The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12 June 2020.

  1. brink (noun) –
    edge/verge/end (of something).
  2. row (noun) –
    dispute, fight, argument, quarrel, squabble, disagreement.
  3. mistrust (noun) – 
    distrust, doubt, misgivings, suspicion.
  4. Line of Actual Control (LAC) (noun) – 
    the de-facto (effective) border between India and China.
  5. overcome (verb) – 
    get control of, deal with, succeed in dealing with (a problem/difficulty).
  6. disengagement (noun) – 
    withdrawal, departure, retreat (of military troops).
  7. stand-off (noun) – 
    deadlock, stalemate, impasse (in a dispute/conflict).
  8. status quo ante (phrase) – 
    a Latin phrase meaning “the  state of affairs existing before” (or) “the way things were before”.
  9. incursion (noun) – 
    invasion/attack; it is the act of entering another’s territory; And it is the sudden arrival of someone into an area where they do not belong.
  10. measured (adjective) – 
    carefully planned, carefully considered, well thought out; unfaltering, unhurried.
  11. appraisal (noun) – 
    assessment, evaluation, summing-up, consideration.
  12. take forward (phrasal verb) – 
    manage, sort out, deal with, take responsibility for.
  13. difference (noun) –
    disagreement, difference of opinion, misunderstanding.
  14. dug in past and past participle of dig in (phrasal verb) –
    to protect oneself by digging trenches (trench is a hole/depression/excavation/ditch in the ground).
  15. bank (noun) – 
    edge/border, embankment (of a river/lake).
  16. mountain spur (noun) –
    a lateral ridge/projection from a hill or mountain. It can also be defined as another hill or mountain range which projects in a lateral (sideways) direction from a main hill or mountain range.
  17. erect (verb) – 
    create, establish, form/set up.
  18. unilaterally (adverb) –
    used to indicate something done by a person/country without approval/agreement from other people/countries involved in the situation.
  19. status quo (noun) –
    the present situation, the current state, the existing state of affairs.
  20. make clear (phrase) –
    explain, clarify, elucidate.
  21. dilute (verb) –
    diminish, reduce, decrease, weaken, make weaker.
  22. build-up (noun) –
    development, growth, expansion.
  23. draw down (phrasal verb) – 
    reduce, decrease, lessen (the magnitude/size of a military force in a particular area).
  24. artillery (noun) – 
    big guns, heavy weapons, cannons.
  25. amass (verb) –
    gather, accumulate, pile up, collect.
  26. the frontline (noun) –
    the front and most important position.
  27. insecurity (noun) – 
    lack of confidence/protection, self-doubt, nervousness, hesitancy.
  28. enormous (adjective) – 
    huge, vast, very large, massive.
  29. asymmetry (noun) –
    lack of equality, non-uniformity, unevenness, lack of symmetry.
  30. preserve (verb) –
    protect, safeguard, maintain.
  31. entitle (verb) –
    authorize, empower, allow, permit.
  32. takeaway (noun) –
    a key point/idea/fact.
  33. long-lasting (adjective) – 
    enduring, lasting, long-standing.
  34. address (verb) –
    tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  35. tension (noun) –
    tightness, tautness, tenseness, rigidity.
  36. prevail (verb) – 
    exist, be in existence, be present, be prevalent.
  37. deepen (verb) –
    increase, intensify, heighten, exacerbate, aggravate, worsen.
  38. ill-advised (adjective) – 
    ill-considered, ill-judged, misguided, badly planned.
  39. posturing (noun) – 
    behaviour, attitude, position/stand.
  40. reclaim (verb) – 
    take back, get back, recover, retrieve.
  41. Aksai Chin (noun) – 
    a territory in Ladakh, is under illegal Chinese occupation.
  42. look ahead (phrasal verb) –
    to think about what will happen in the future.



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