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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12 May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12 May 2020

  1. consensus (noun) – 
    an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group, agreement, concurrence.
  2. resumption (noun) –
    restarting, recommencement, reopening.
  3. aid (verb) –
    help, assist, support.
  4. stranded (adjective) –
    stuck (in difficulties), helpless, abandoned, deserted.
  5. common code (noun) – 
    a (common) system of rules; systematic regulations.
  6. relaxation (noun) – 
    moderation, modification (of a rule less strict).
  7. lockdown (noun) –
    an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  8. lifeline (noun) – 
    support, helping hand, life belt, sustenance.
  9. design (verb) – 
    originate, create, plan, formulate, think up.
  10. look for (phrasal verb) – 
    search for, try to find, seek.
  11. get home (phrase) – 
    to return to one’s home; to arrive at one’s home.
  12. novel coronavirus (nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) (noun) –
    a new strain (type/variety) coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. (Courtesy: WHO)
  13. overwhelm (verb) –
    overload, engulf, swamp/flood; overburden, beset.
  14. dysfunctional (adjective) – 
    not functioning/working normally or properly; troubled, unsettled, flawed.
  15. quarantine (noun) –
    a process of separating out people, animals and things (such as plants) from others for a period of time in order to control/restrict the spread of a contagious disease; Quarantine is imposed to separate and restrict the movement of persons, who may have been exposed to infectious disease, but not yet known to be ill.
  16. come under (phrasal verb) –
    be subjected to.
  17. strain (noun) – 
    pressure, stress, demand/burden.
  18. expatriate (noun) –
    a person who is living/working abroad; emigrant, migrant.
  19. add to (phrase) – 
    increase, intensify, exacerbate, aggravate, worsen.
  20. favour (verb) – 
    support, back, endorse, advocate, espouse.
  21. institutional (adjective) – 
    procedural, prescribed, systematic, regulated.
  22. underscore (verb) –
    underline, emphasize, highlight.
  23. inter- (prefix) –
  24. dilemma (noun) – 
    quandary, predicament, difficulty.
  25. standard operating procedure/protocol (SOP) (noun) – 
    a detailed, written document consisting of step-by-step information on routine activities necessary to complete tasks in accordance with specific regulations or standards.
  26. merely (adverb) – 
    only, simply, just.
  27. adhere to (verb) –
    abide by, stick to, hold to, comply with.
  28. protocol (noun) –
    procedure, rules, system of rules, method.
  29. prescribe (verb) –
    stipulate, lay down, order, specify.
  30. bound to (adjective) – 
    certain/sure, very likely, guaranteed.
  31. curb (noun) –
    restraint, control, restriction, check.
  32. tend to (verb) –
    be prone, be liable, be likely; gravitate, incline.
  33. lower one’s guard (noun) – 
    to stop being cautious (to avoid possible problems or dangers).
  34. peculiar (adjective) –
    strange, unusual/odd, unexpected.
  35. circumstances (noun) – 
    situation, conditions, state of affairs.
  36. social/physical distancing (noun) – 
    a term means actively avoiding crowded public places, is a key element in decreasing the rapid spread of COVID-19. This is an effort intended to limit exposure by reducing face-to-face contact and preventing spread among people in community settings.
  37. compliance (noun) –
    conformity, observation, adherence.
  38. orderly (adjective) – 
    systematic, methodical, organized/planned.
  39. relieve (verb) – 
    mitigate, ease, reduce.
  40. affordable (adjective) – 
    reasonable, economical, reasonably priced, in-expensive.
  41. facilitate (verb) – 
    make easier, make possible; assist, help, aid.
  42. in place (phrase) – 
    established, set up.
  43. persuade (verb) – 
    convince, influence, press someone into, make certain.
  44. warrant (verb) –
    justify/necessitate, vindicate/validate, call for.
  45. pre-symptomatic (adjective) –
    relating to a condition/person with mild illness/symptoms.
  46. asymptomatic (adjective) –
    relating to a condition/person with no symptoms.
  47. symptomatic (adjective) –
    relating to a condition/person with symptoms.
  48. patchwork (noun) – 
    mess, confusion, mishmash.
  49. anxiety (noun) – 
    concern/stress/tension, unease, apprehension, disquiet.



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