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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12th March 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12th March 2020

  1. somersault (noun) – an instance (as in gymnastics) of rotating (jumping/rolling) one’s body 360 degree with someone’s feet going over one’s head; gymnastics.
  2. defection (noun) – desertion, absconding, decamping.
  3. switch (noun) – change/move.
  4. profess (verb) – state one’s faith in, affirm one’s allegiance to, acknowledge publicly.
  5. trait (noun) – characteristic, attribute, feature.
  6. lost (adjective) – missed, neglected, wasted.
  7. irony (noun) – paradox, incongruity, peculiarity.
  8. intriguing (adjective) – interesting, fascinating, arousing, compelling.
  9. intuitive (adjective) – instinctive, natural/automatic, spontaneous, impulsive.
  10. humour (verb) – give way to, go along with, comply with, adapt to accommodate.
  11. cross (over) (phrasal verb) – to change (from one activity (supporting one group) to another (group));  to join a different (political) party.
  12. ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas.
  13. liken to (verb) – compare, equate, correlate/match.
  14. homecoming (noun) – an act of returning back to home.
  15. betray (verb) – be unfaithful to, break faith with, be disloyal to, let down.
  16. collaboration (noun) – cooperation, alliance, partnership/association.
  17. morsel (noun) – a small piece/amount (of something).
  18. keep alive (phrasal verb) – keep going, continue, sustain.
  19. can ill-afford (phrase) – to prevent something from happening because it would be embarrassing and cause problems (if it happens).
  20. urbane (adjective) – courteous, polite, charming.
  21. template (noun) – model, pattern/example, blueprint.
  22. on offer (phrase) – available.
  23. ambitious (adjective) – difficult, exacting, formidable/challenging.
  24. impatient (adjective) – discontented, displeased, agitated/restless.
  25. conviction (noun) – belief, opinion, view, thought.
  26. drift (verb) – move (aimlessly/automatically into a certain situation).
  27. annihilating (adjective) – destroying, defeating, eradicating (something completely).
  28. eddy (noun) – figuratively to refer confusion, disturbance, disorder/turmoil; In general it means circular movement, countercurrent, counterflow.
  29. interim (adjective) – provisional, transitional, temporary.
  30. authoritative (adjective) – official, legal, authorized.
  31. steer (verb) – guide, conduct, direct/lead.
  32. on course (phrase) – on track, on target, on schedule.
  33. ideology (noun) – beliefs, ideas/opinions, principles.
  34. hold together (phrasal verb) – remain united.
  35. crop (noun) – batch, group.
  36. rooted (adjective) – established.
  37. social diversity (noun) – a feature of a society which is determined by caste, class, religion, occupational pattern in a given territory.
  38. vehicle (noun) – mechanism, medium/channel, instrument.
  39. aspiration (noun) – desire, hope, longing.
  40. empowerment (noun) – accreditation, authorization, validation.
  41. ordination (noun) – induction, introduction, installation.
  42. torchbearer (noun) – advocate, proponent, promoter.
  43. overwhelmingly (adverb) – with a great majority.
  44. personalized (adjective) – relating to something which is done to meet someone’s individual requirements.
  45. enthusiastic (adjective) – wholehearted, committed, passionate.
  46. abrupt (adjective) – sudden, immediate, unexpected.
  47. nullification (noun) – invalidation, annulment.
  48. call out (phrasal verb) – draw attention to someone’s bad actions.
  49. insensitivity (noun) – lack of awareness, lack of concern, not caring about others’ feelings.
  50. inefficiency (noun) – incapability, inability, failure, carelessness.
  51. stripe (noun) – type, category, character/style.
  52. rite (noun) – custom, practice, order, tradition.
  53. initiation (noun) – an act of allowing someone in a group/society (with a ritual).
  54. prolonged (adjective) – lengthy, constant, continuous.
  55. testing (adjective) – challenging.
  56. rail against (phrasal verb) – make a protest against, denounce, censure.
  57. dynastic (adjective) – relating to a dynasty (a family or line of rulers).
  58. entitlement (noun) – the belief that someone is inherently getting a right or privilege or special treatment.
  59. spin a new story (phrase) – to tell a lie.
  60. adorn (verb) – grace, beautify, enrich, decorate.
  61. lineage (noun) – ancestry/family, descent, background.
  62. of sorts (phrase) – of a somewhat unusual method.
  63. anti-elite (adjective) – relating to something against elite group (high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society).
  64. aged (adjective) – existed for a long time.

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