The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 14th February 2020
- perception (noun) – understanding, discernment, recognition/realization; interpretation.
- envoy (noun) – representative, delegate, messenger/spokesperson (on a diplomatic mission).
- ground reality (noun) – practical condition/situation.
- point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote.
- productive (noun) – useful, effective, beneficial, helpful.
- incident (noun) – affair, event, occurrence, happening.
- delegation (noun) – a body of representatives.
- glimpse (noun) – glance, brief look, sight.
- normalcy (noun) – a normal condition; normality, regularity.
- come forward (phrasal verb) – volunteer, step forward.
- account (noun) – explanation, description, narrative.
- narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; portrayal/account.
- prevail (verb) – exist, be in existence, be present.
- diplomatic (adjective) – (delicate & sensitive) consular, foreign-policy, political.
- exchange (noun) – reciprocity, trade, interchange.
- ambassador (noun) – envoy, diplomat, consul.
- pave the way for (phrase) – clear the way for, create a situation to do something, precede, make provision for.
- Brussels (noun) – The headquarters of the European Union. Brussels is a metonym of the European Union.
- summit (noun) – meeting, conference, talk.
- superficial (adjective) – insignificant, unimportant, hollow, meaningless; artificial.
- escape someone’s attention (phrase) – to fail to be noticed by someone.
- confines (noun) – limits, boundaries, borders (of a place).
- handpick (verb) – specially chosen, specially selected.
- opt out (phrasal verb) – decide not to participate in something.
- freer (comparative adjective of free) – casual, informal, unforced, natural.
- detention (noun) – confinement/incarceration, captivity, custody.
- relent (verb) – change one’s mind, back down, give in.
- chimera (noun) – illusion, false impression, deceptive appearance.
- patently (adverb) – obviously, clearly, apparently/without doubt.
- fragile (noun) – weak, shaky/risky, feeble/unsound.
- snap (verb) – break suddenly.
- puzzle (verb) – perplex, confuse, bewilder/mystify.
- affairs (noun) – matters, activities, concerns.
- square up (phrasal verb) – face, tackle, deal with (a difficulty/problem) firmly.
- lie (verb) – be present, be contained, exist.
- octogenarian (adjective) – a person who is between 80 and 89 years old.
- wrongdoing (noun) – misconduct, criminal act, lawbreaking.
- furnish (verb) – provide, issue, give.
- credible (adjective) – acceptable, dependable, convincing.
- prosperity (noun) – success, comfort, good fortune, well being.
- momentous (adjective) – significant, important, serious, crucial/critical.
- legitimate (adjective) – valid, reasonable, reliable.