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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 17th February 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 17th February 2020

  1. perverse (adjective) – illogical, irrational, unreasonable; wrong, incorrect.
  2. zeal (noun) – passion, fervour, eagerness, interest.
  3. suppress (verb) – control, restrain, stifle; crack down on, clamp down on.
  4. dissent (noun) – disagreement, disapproval, opposition.
  5. blot (noun) – flaw/fault, defect; stigma/shame. 
  6. credentials (noun) – identity, history, quality.
  7. detention (noun) – confinement/incarceration, captivity, custody.
  8. betray (verb) – reveal, exhibit, disclose, communicate.
  9. hound (verb) – harass, pressurize, pursue (continuously & harshly).
  10. allegedly (adverb) – supposedly, purportedly, reportedly.
  11. inflammatory (adjective) – provocative, provoking, agitating, fomenting.
  12. contentious (adjective) – controversial, disputable, debatable.
  13. enmity (noun) – opposition, hatred/hate, bitterness.
  14. flawed (adjective) – defective, faulty, distorted, inaccurate.
  15. at work (phrase) – in action.
  16. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, appeal to. 
  17. ostensibly (adverb) – apparently, seemingly, allegedly, supposedly.
  18. prejudicial (adjective) – disadvantageous, unfavourable, detrimental.
  19. paediatrician (noun) – the doctor who is specialized in children health care and their diseases.
  20. seek (verb) – try, attempt, aim.
  21. absolve (verb) – discharge, acquit, vindicate.
  22. negligence (noun) – carelessness, irresponsibility, disregard; inattention/laxness.
  23. clean chit (noun) – In India, the expression is used to mean ‘cleared of any wrongdoing’. Native speakers of English prefer to use ‘clean sheet’, instead.
  24. stringent (adjective) – strict/stern, severe, tough/rigorous.
  25. preventative detention (noun) – it means to detain a person so that to prevent that person from commenting on any possible crime or in other words preventive detention is an action taken by the administration on the grounds of the suspicion that some wrong actions may be done by the person concerned which will be prejudicial to the state.
  26. constitute (verb) – be equivalent to, be regarded as, act as.
  27. imminent (adjective) – close, near, about to happen, fast approaching/impending.
  28. content with (verb) – be satisfied, satisfy.
  29. prosecute (verb) – charge with, accuse of, indict.
  30. bona fide (adjective) – genuine, real, authentic, true.
  31. charge sheet (noun) – an official document on which a police officer enters details of the charge against a person.
  32. resort (noun) – recourse to, turning to, the use of, utilizing.
  33. condemnable (adjective) – objectionable, unjustifiable, reprehensible.
  34. mala fide (adjective) – Latin phrase meaning “with or in bad faith”; dishonest, illegal.
  35. look beyond (verb) – anticipate, look forward, try to think, plan further than something.
  36. inflict on (verb) – impose, force, thrust.
  37. disproportionate (adjective) – inordinate, unreasonable, excessive.
  38. forbidden (adjective) – prohibited, not acceptable, banned, not allowed.
  39. regrettable (adjective) – undesirable, unfortunate, disappointing/distressing.
  40. bureaucracy (noun) – administration, government, the establishment.
  41. wanton (adjective) – deliberate, wilful, arbitrary.
  42. relentless (adjective) – persistent, continuing, steady/intense.
  43. cue (noun) – sign, indication, signal.
  44. articulate (verb) – express, point out, mention.
  45. amount to (verb) – be regarded as, be classified as, be equal to.
  46. enabler (noun) – a person who encourages negative behaviour.
  47. excesses (noun) – uncontrolled/unrestricted behaviour.
  48. authoritarian (adjective) – oppressive, dictatorial, totalitarian.
  49. dispensation (noun) – administration; system, government.
  50. suffice (adjective) – be enough, be sufficient, be adequate.
  51. undermine (verb) – reduce, spoil, damage.
  52. efficacy (noun) – effectiveness, efficiency, power/ability to give estimated results.

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