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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 18 May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 18 May 2020

  1. coronavirus (CoV) (noun) – 
    a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases.
  2. lockdown (noun) –
    an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  3. surpass (verb) – 
    be greater than, exceed, outdo/eclipse.
  4. toll (noun) –
    number, count, sum total (of deaths/casualties).
  5. stand at (verb) – 
    be at (a particular level).
  6. case load (noun) –
    the number of cases to be handled by a doctor at one time.
  7. contrary to (phrase) –
    conflicting with.
  8. utilize (verb) – 
    put to use, use, make use of.
  9. manifold (adjective) –
    many, numerous, multiple.
  10. carry out (phrasal verb) –
    conduct, perform, execute.
  11. (contact) tracing (noun) –
    it is defined as the identification and followup of persons who may have come into contact with a person infected with the virus.
  12. isolation (noun) – 
    a complete separation from others of a person known or reasonably believed to be infected with communicable diseases.
  13. witness (verb) – 
    see, observe, notice; demonstrate/indicate.
  14. testimony (noun) – 
    evidence, proof, attestation/witness.
  15. barring (preposition) – 
    except for, with the exception of, apart from, other than, excluding.
  16. community transmission (noun) – 
    community spread/transmission means spread of an illness/disease for which the source of infection is unknown.
  17. local transmission (cluster)(noun) –
    local spread/transmission means spread of an illness/disease for which the source of infection is known. An infected person has travel history to an affected area. We could able to identify and trace individual cases, and ring-fence a cluster (of them) to prevent the spread of infection.
  18. suggestive (adjective) –
    indicative, symbolic, expressive, meaningful/significant.
  19. findings (noun) – 
  20. respiratory (adjective) – 
    relating to or affecting breathing (or organs of breathing).
  21. severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) (noun) –
    SARI cases are identified with the most common symptoms fever, cough, and breathing difficulty. For SARI patients, clinical outcomes are associated with disease severity, including hospitalization in an ICU and artificial ventilation.
  22. given (preposition) –
    considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  23. asymptomatic (adjective) –
    relating to a condition/person with no symptoms.
  24. symptomatic (adjective) –
    relating to a condition/person with symptoms.
  25. pre-symptomatic (adjective) –
    relating to a condition/person with mild illness/symptoms.
  26. resurgence (noun) –
    reoccurrence/recurrence, reappearance,  reemergence.
  27. inevitable (adjective) –
    unavoidable, sure to happen, unpreventable.
  28. cause for concern (phrase) –
    reason to worry.
  29. surveillance (noun) – 
    monitoring, observation, scrutiny, inspection.
  30. early on (phrase) – 
    at an initial stage (during the process).
  31. so far (phrase) – 
    until now, up to the present, up to this point.
  32. unlikely (adjective) –
    not likely, improbable/doubtful, questionable.
  33. thus (adverb) –
    therefore, hence, accordingly, as a consequence/result.
  34. complacent (adjective) – 
    smug, self-satisfied, self-regarding, pleased; careless/lax.



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