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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1st April 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1st April 2020

  1. step up (phrasal verb) – increase, intensify; quicken, speed up, accelerate.
  2. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  3. hygiene (noun) – cleanliness.
  4. social/physical distancing (noun) – a term means actively avoiding crowded public places, is a key element in decreasing the rapid spread of COVID-19. This is an effort intended to limit exposure by reducing face-to-face contact and preventing spread among people in community settings.
  5. at the top of the pile (phrase) – at the highest point of (a society).
  6. far-from-ordinary (adjective) – the opposite of ordinary; extraordinary, exceptional, remarkable; tremendous, huge, substantial/considerable.
  7. come into play (phrase) – become effective/active.
  8. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce. 
  9. provision (noun) – term/condition, clause, requirement.
  10. slap on (verb) – impose, put on, add (case/penalty/fine).
  11. lockdown (noun) – a state of isolation; confinement, restraint, encirclement.
  12. quarantine (noun) – a process of separating out people, animals and things (such as plants) from others for a period of time in order to control/restrict the spread of a contagious disease; setting apart, keeping apart, sorting out.
  13. unleash (verb) – let loose, release, set free.
  14. insist (verb) – demand, command, stress/emphasize.
  15. asymptomatic (adjective) – relating to a condition with no symptoms.
  16. keep in the loop (phrase) – keep informed everything (related to the particular subject).
  17. make a difference (phrase) – be important, have a significant effect on, to cause a change.
  18. volunteer (verb) – put forward, say, declare, submit/suggest (something without being asked).
  19. narrow down (phrasal verb) – reduce, lessen, decrease.
  20. local transmission (cluster)(noun) – local spread/transmission means spread of an illness/disease for which the source of infection is known. An infected person has travel history to an affected area. We could able to identify and trace individual cases, and ring-fence a cluster (of them) to prevent the spread of infection.
  21. community transmission (noun) – community spread/transmission means spread of an illness/disease for which the source of infection is unknown. An infected person has no travel history to an affected area and no known contact with a person previously diagnosed with a particular disease. It is possible the patient is exposed to a returning traveler who is infected.
  22. centre around (verb) – be based, focus; happen/occur mainly around (a specified place).
  23. milestone (noun) – turning point,critical point.
  24. move on (phrasal verb) – go somewhere, cause to leave somewhere.
  25. back home (phrase) – in one’s country/hometown.
  26. deploy (verb) – employ.
  27. hotspot (noun) – a place of significant activity.
  28. containment (noun) – an act of keeping something (harmful) under control.
  29. ground zero (noun) – the exact place/area where something is happening practically.
  30. shape (verb) – determine, create, define.
  31. stretch (noun) – area, sweep, extent, spread (of something).
  32. attendee (noun) – a person who attends a conference.
  33. thwart (verb) – prevent, hamper/hinder, obstruct/block.
  34. half done (adjective) – partly completed, unfinished.
  35. undone (adjective) – defeated, beaten, foiled, ruined (by reversing something).
  36. disastrous (adjective) – catastrophic, devastating, detrimental.
  37. consequence (noun) – outcome, ramification, repercussion.
  38. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.
  39. Herculean (adjective) – arduous, hard/tough; demanding/exhausting.
  40. submit oneself (verb) – agree to undergo a certain treatment.
  41. prescribed (adjective) – advised, directed, ordered.
  42. humanitarian crisis (noun) – it is also called as humanitarian disaster; a situation with high levels of human suffering in which basic human welfare is in danger on a large scale.
  43. invoke (verb) – cause, evoke, bring forth, give rise to.
  44. eminently (adverb) – very, greatly, highly, extremely.



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