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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1st May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1st May 2020

  1. come down on (phrasal verb) –
    punish, penalize, discipline (harshly).
  2. paramount (adjective) – 
    most important; foremost, primary.
  3. characterization (noun) –
     a description of the distinctive features of something.
  4. dim (adjective) – 
    indistinct, ill-defined, unclear, vague, blurred.
  5. sectarian (adjective) –
    denoting a sect (a group of people); factional, partisan.
  6. aggravate (verb) –
    made serious/severe, worsen, compound, exacerbate, enrage.
  7. repudiate (verb) – 
    reject, deny, disavow, contradict, rebut.
  8. ridicule (verb) – 
    treat with contempt, scorn, make fun of, deride, mock, laugh at.
  9. autonomous (noun) – 
    self-governing, independent, self-determining.
  10. bipartisan (adjective) – 
    involving cooperation between two (opposite & big) political parties.
  11. influence (noun) – 
    power, authority, sway, leverage.
  12. occasional (adjective) – 
    infrequent, irregular, periodic.
  13. presumption (noun) – 
    assumption, supposition, speculation, judgement, conclusion.
  14. amusingly (adverb) – 
    interestingly, laughably.
  15. expansive (adjective) – 
    extensive, broad, wide-ranging.
  16. sanctions (noun) – 
    action taken, or an order given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  17. strategic interest (noun) –
    it is a broad term that usually requires a relationship between two parties/countries that is mutually beneficial to both of them. The benefits can come in the form of increased safety, Better Trade relations, access to financial markets etc.
  18. tolerance (noun) – 
    forbearance, liberality, lack of prejudice, open-mindedness.
  19. transparency (noun) –
    clarity, straightforwardness, clearness.
  20. pursuit (noun) –
    aspiration, quest, search (for).
  21. enforcement (noun) – 
    implementation, application, fulfilment, execution.
  22. attribute (noun) –
    quality, feature, characteristic, trait, element.
  23. selective (adjective) –
    critical, demanding, particular; careful, cautious.
  24. arbitrary (adjective) –
    random/casual, unpredictable, inconsistent, unmotivated/unreasonable.
  25. spotlight (verb) – 
    focus attention on, highlight, draw attention to, underline, underscore.
  26. embrace (verb) –
  27. welcome, accept, adapt, take up.
  28. laudatory (adjective) –
    full of praise, complimentary/admiring, congratulatory.
  29. frantic (adjective) – 
    distressed, distraught, berserk/panic-stricken.
  30. relatively (adverb) –
    comparatively, proportionately, by comparison; somewhat. 
  31. case in point (phrase) – 
    example, instance, sample.
  32. circulatory (adjective) –
    relating to circulation or the circulatory system.
  33. rapporteur (noun) – 
    a person who is officially appointed by an organization to investigate a problem or provide reports on the happenings of its meetings.
  34. buttress (verb) – 
    support, strengthen, reinforce, fortify.
  35. discriminatory (adjective) –
    biased, unfair, unjust, inequitable.
  36. construction (noun) – 
    forming, making, creation, establishment.
  37. cognisant (adjective) – 
    aware, well informed about, familiar with.
  38. indices plural of index (noun) –
    measure; guide, indication.
  39. measure (verb) – 
    evaluate, assess, appraise.
  40. advance (verb) –
    support, improve, promote, further.
  41. advertise (verb) – 
    announce, proclaim, promote.
  42. adherent (noun) – 
    follower, supporter, advocate.
  43. rule of law (phrase) –
    it is described as “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.
  44. the table (noun) –
    the meeting place (to discuss & settle an issue).
  45. stated (adjective) –
    fixed, agreed, declared, determined, claimed/professed.
  46. reflect (verb) –
    indicate, show, display, represent.
  47. deeply (adverb) – 
    seriously, awfully, terribly, painfully.
  48. disconcerting (adjective) –
    discomfiting, unsettling, disturbing.
  49. catalogue (noun) – 
    a series of bad/unpleasant things.
  50. incitement (noun) – 
    inducement, instigation, stirring up, provocation.
  51. wrecking (noun) – 
    destruction, demolition, knocking down, breaking up.
  52. unsettling (adjective) –
    disturbing, upsetting, bothering.
  53. partisan (adjective) – 
    biased, prejudiced, one-sided.
  54. dispensation (noun) –
    (a political) system, organization, party.
  55. wish away (phrasal verb) –
    try to stop/eliminate something (problem) just by wishing that it did not exist.
  56. reputation (noun) – 
    status, position, stature.
  57. instrumental (adjective) –
    helpful, useful; significant, important.
  58. perspective (noun) –
    outlook/prospect, viewpoint, standpoint.
  59. harmony (noun) –
    unity, solidarity, cooperation, oneness.



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