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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 20 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 20 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 20 June 2020

Almost every competitive exams has English section, that tests the skill of candidates in English language. Therefore candidates have to perform in this section with their best. So it is most important for the students to improve their writing as well as verbal skills. An important part of this process is working on your English vocabulary.

For improvement of vocabulary we are providing here most important The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 20 June 2020.

  1. revolving door (noun) –
    happening of some actions/events again and again continuously.
  2. tale (noun) –
  3. defection (noun) – 
    desertion, absconding, decamping.
  4. churn (verb) – 
    disturb, stir up, agitate.
  5. pot (noun) –
    a container (normally used to produce (butter) by churning milk).
  6. turmoil (noun) – 
    disorder, turbulence, confusion, trouble, chaos.
  7. probably (adverb) – 
    most likely, in all likelihood, all things considered, perhaps.
  8. uncertainty (noun) –
    unpredictability, unreliability, unsureness.
  9. allegiance (noun) – 
    loyalty, faithfulness, devotion.
  10. rule (on) (phrasal verb) –
    decide, determine, judge about something.
  11. strip (verb) –
    remove, take off/away, dispossess, deprive/deny.
  12. subsequently (adverb) – 
    afterwards, later on, eventually.
  13. defect (verb) –
    change allegiances/loyalties/sides; abscond, desert.
  14. reportedly (adverb) – 
    supposedly,seemingly, apparently, allegedly.
  15. the fold (noun) – 
    group, community.
  16. whimsical (adjective) –
    unusual, unconventional, uncommon; unstable, temperamental, impulsive, unpredictable.
  17. open the door (phrase) –
    create opportunity (for success).
  18. stake a claim (phrase) – 
    assert, declare, announce/state (ones right to something).
  19. shenanigans (plural noun) – 
    deception, double-dealing, dishonesty, cheating, fraudulence.
  20. utter (adjective) – 
    complete, total, consummate/out and out, outright, absolute.
  21. curb (verb) –
    control, contain, restrict, limit.
  22. brazen (adjective) – 
    bold and shameless; unashamed, unabashed, unembarrassed.
  23. subversion (noun) –
    the act of undermining, worsening, reducing (power & authority gradually).
  24. lure (noun) – 
    temptation, enticement, attraction.
  25. engineer (verb) –
    bring about, cause, arrange (something skillfully); mastermind, choreograph, orchestrate, manipulate. 
  26. invite (verb) – 
    cause, call forth, make happen, create.
  27. adhere to (verb) –
    abide by, stick to, hold to, comply with.
  28. letter and spirit (phrase) –
    adhering to/obeying both literal interpretation/wording and the spirit/intent/purpose of the law.
  29. beg the question (phrase) –
    raise a point; invite question.
  30. serve a  purpose (phrase) –
    be useful, be helpful.
  31. disincentive (noun) – 
    deterrent, discouragement, counterincentive, hindrance, obstruction.
  32. defector (noun) – 
    betrayer, turncoat, traitor.
  33. discern (verb) – 
    come to know, find out, realize/recognize, understand.
  34. candidacy (noun) – 
    the state/condition/fact of being a candidate, particularly in an election; candidate-ship.
  35. consideration (noun) –
    factor, point, aspect, matter, concern.
  36. patronage (noun) – 
    favouritism, nepotism, support/backing.
  37. identity (noun) –
    identification, recognition (of a candidate based a particular race, ethnicity, gender, or religion).
  38. embolden (verb) – 
    give courage, encourage, strengthen/fortify.
  39. seize (verb) –
    appropriate, take over, take possession of; take hold of, grasp, grab, capture (suddenly).
  40. machinations (noun) – 
    schemes/plots, tricks, tactics, intrigues, conspiracies.



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