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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 20 May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 20 May 2020

  1. standstill (noun) – deadlock, impasse, stalemate/stand-off.
  2. stadia (plural noun) – stadiums.
  3. obsess (verb) – preoccupy, engross, concern, absorb/dominate.
  4. static (adjective) – inactive, at rest.
  5. DNA (noun) – (figuratively) basic or fundamental traits, qualities, or characteristics of a person.
  6. novel coronavirus (nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) (noun) – a new strain (type/variety) coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. (Courtesy: WHO)
  7. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  8. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  9. grim (adjective) – terrible, awful, dreadful, horrible.
  10. the new normal (phrase) – an earlier unusual situation that becomes a standard now.
  11. ironically (adverb) – paradoxically, unexpectedly, strangely.
  12. leap into (verb) – reach hurriedly, act suddenly, jump.
  13. vulnerable (adjective) – weak, at risk, unsafe, easily damaged.
  14. cut across (phrasal verb) – have an effect (in spite of boundaries); transcend, go beyond, rise above.
  15. whispered (adjective) – said softly; moaned, murmured/muttered.
  16. plea (noun) – appeal, request, petition.
  17. sore (adjective) – painful, hurting, aching.
  18. sprint (verb) – run at full speed (especially over a short distance).
  19. turf (noun) – race tracks.
  20. accompaniment (noun) – backing, support, background.
  21. sunshine (noun) – happiness, cheerfulness, joyfulness, gladness.
  22. spectator (noun) – onlooker, viewer, observer.
  23. longing (noun) – desire, wish, yearning.
  24. kinetic (adjective) – driving, propelling, operative.
  25. devise (verb) – formulate, come up with, create, develop.
  26. mechanism (noun) – procedure, process, method/technique.
  27. shed (verb) – discard, get rid of, do away with, abandon, have done with.
  28. rust (noun) – a condition of becoming weak resulting from lack of use (lack of practice for sports person).
  29. at large (phrase) – as a whole, generally.
  30. fix (noun) – solution, answer, remedy.
  31. non-negotiable (adjective) – absolute, nonadjustable, unchallengeable.
  32. build-up (noun) – development.
  33. see the light (phrase) – understand, comprehend, realize, get the point.
  34. diktat (noun) – order, regulation, decree.
  35. echo (verb) – repeat, say again, restate, reiterate.
  36. shade (noun) – a slightly different type of something.
  37. cue-sports (noun) – another term for billiards.
  38. legacy (noun) – something received from a predecessor or from the past.
  39. build upon (phrasal verb) – develop, expand/enlarge on; enhance.
  40. drill (noun) – training, practice.
  41. replicate (verb) – reproduce.
  42. ward (noun) – trainee, protégé, dependant.
  43. adhere to (verb) – abide by, follow, obey, comply with.
  44. harbour (verb) – give shelter & carry an organism (virus/bacteria).
  45. reflex (adjective) – response, reaction.
  46. ubiquitous (adjective) – universal, predominant, very common, popular.
  47. kick-start (verb) – uplift, revive, boost, inspire (to start/resume something).
  48. glitter (noun) – glamour/magic, excitement, thrills, attractions. 
  49. stardust (noun) – a magical quality.
  50. journeyman (noun) – a player who is ok, but not superb.
  51. rookie (noun) – starter, beginner, newcomer.
  52. shrug aside (phrasal verb) – ignore, disregard, dismiss.
  53. state-of-the-art (adjective) – modern, advanced/highly developed, sophisticated.
  54. stretch (verb) – extend.
  55. needy (adjective) – poor, needful, disadvantaged, underprivileged, impoverished.
  56. besides (preposition) – apart from, in addition to.



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