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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 22nd April 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 22nd April 2020

  1. flip-flop (noun) – a sudden reversal of something, particularly a policy/plan.
  2. arbitrary (adjective) – random/casual, unpredictable, inconsistent, unmotivated/unreasonable.
  3. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  4. last minute (adjective) – careless, unmethodical, unsystematic, inattentive, hurried. 
  5. reversal (noun) – turnaround, change, swing/shift.
  6. resume (verb) – restart, recommence, begin/start again.
  7. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  8. curb (noun) – restraint, control, restriction, check.
  9. out of the woods (phrase) – out of danger/difficulty.
  10. mitigate (verb) – reduce, lessen, decrease, make less severe.
  11. hardship (noun) – distress, trouble, misfortune, suffering.
  12. U-turn (noun) – about-turn, reversal of policy, change of mind/plan, about-face, sea change.
  13. wiser comparative adjective of wise (adjective) – sensible, prudent, well thought out, well judged.
  14. counsel (noun) – a piece of advice (by experts & old people).
  15. prevail (verb) – win, succeed, gain influence, prove superior.
  16. lack of (noun) – shortage, deficiency, unavailability.
  17. a level-playing field (phrase) – a situation in which everyone has the equal chance of succeeding.
  18. brick and mortar (phrase) – used to represent a business that operates traditionally from a building/place (rather than online).
  19. barest superlative adjective of bare (adjective) – basic, only a, just a, very.
  20. transmission chain (noun) – the act or process by which something is spread or passed from one person or thing to another.
  21. necessitate (verb) – make necessary, require, need.
  22. constitute (verb) – comprise, make up, account for.
  23. the bulk of (noun) – most, larger part, larger number.
  24. supply chain (noun) – a network between a company and its suppliers to produce and distribute a specific product to the final buyer.
  25. to be sure (phrase) – admittedly, beyond question, undoubtedly.
  26. immense (adjective) – huge, extremely large.
  27. economic cost (noun) – the combination of losses of any goods that have a value attached to them by any one individual. The measure of the alternative opportunities foregone in the choice of one good or activity over others.
  28. shutdown (noun) – closure of a (complete) system; closing down, winding up.
  29. livelihood (noun) – source of income, means of support, subsistence; means of making a living with the basic necessities (food, water, shelter and clothing).
  30. stringent (adjective) – strict/stern, severe, tough/rigorous.
  31. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  32. phased (adjective) – relating to something carried out/performed/pursued in stages; staggered, timed at intervals (of something as they don’t happen at the same time).
  33. underlying (adjective) – fundamental, basic, primary.
  34. rationale (noun) – reason/basis; principle.
  35. missive (noun) – message, report, notification announcement (a along, official report).
  36. horticultural (adjective) – related to the farming of fruits, vegetables and flowers.
  37. ply one’s trade (phrase) – to engage in one’s business/work steadily or regularly.
  38. furnish (verb) – provide, give.
  39. lost (adjective) – gone missing, forgotten, vanished.
  40. deem (verb) – regard as, consider; view as.
  41. ultimately (adverb) – eventually, in the end, essentially.
  42. prioritise (verb) – treat (something as very important).
  43. blur (noun) – something indistinct, something vague; something recognized indistinctly (as it occurs very quickly).



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