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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25 June 2020

Almost every competitive exams has English section, that tests the skill of candidates in English language. Therefore candidates have to perform in this section with their best. So it is most important for the students to improve their writing as well as verbal skills. An important part of this process is working on your English vocabulary.

For improvement of vocabulary we are providing here most important The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25 June 2020.

  1. ties (noun) –
    bond, connection, association, relationship.
  2. strained (adjective) –
    damaged, impaired, affected, troubled.
  3. tit-for-tat (phrase) – 
    equivalent retaliation; counterattack, revenge, an eye for an eye.
  4. manoeuvre (noun) –
    activity, measure, plan/operation (carefully planned).
  5. halve (verb) – 
    reduce by half (50%).
  6. strength (noun) – 
    size (of a group/team).
  7. diplomatic (adjective) –
    ambassadorial, consular.
  8. mission (noun) – 
    embassy, consulate; the diplomatic office building in a foreign country where the ambassador & team live and work.
  9. chargé d’affaire (noun) –
    (French) a person in charge of affairs; ambassador, emissary, diplomat.
  10. torture (noun) – 
    infliction of pain, torment, ill treatment.
  11. personnel (noun) – 
    staff, employees, workforce.
  12. contention (noun) –
    allegation, claim argument.
  13. expulsion (noun) –
    removal, dismissal, exclusion.
  14. espionage (noun) –
    the act of spying.
  15. inimical (adjective) –
    hostile, unfriendly, opposed, antagonistic.
  16. mobilisation (noun) –
    in military terminology, mobilisation is the act of assembling and readying troops  together for a particular cause (e.g. war).
  17. trigger (noun) –
    cause, reason.
  18. eventually (adverb) – 
    in the end, finally, at last.
  19. thaw (noun) – 
    an increase in friendliness.
  20. reverse (verb) –
    undo, override, overrule, repeal, cancel; withdraw, take back.
  21. downslide (noun) –
    decline, downward movement/trend, downgrade.
  22. snap (verb) –
    break, split, separate, come apart (suddenly & completely).
  23. downgrade (verb) – 
    lower in status/rank/importance, demote.
  24. shut down (phrasal verb) – 
    discontinue, cease activity, close.
  25. grant (verb) –
    give, provide.
  26. exception (noun) –
    abnormality, anomaly, rarity.
  27. ceasefire (noun) –
    a temporary stoppage of a war, truce, armistice.
  28. claim (verb) –
    to cause the loss of someone’s life; to cause someone’s death.
  29. multilateral (adjective) – 
    involving many different countries.
  30. (be) at daggers drawn (phrase) –
    if two people are at daggers drawn, they angrily oppose each other; disagree, contradict, differ.
  31. non-contentious (adjective) –
    non-disputed, non-controversial, non-contended.
  32. pandemic (noun) –
    the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  33. collaborate (verb) –
    join, cooperate, team up.
  34. locust (noun) –
    locusts are crop-eating insects (short-horned grasshoppers) that travel in large swarms. The desert locust is a species of locust and it is considered the most destructive migratory pest in the world and a single swarm covering 1 square kilometre can contain up to 80 million locusts. The desert locusts are feeding and breeding in agricultural fields.
  35. invasion (noun) –
    influx,rush, swarm (a huge number of insects invading a place to damage crops).
  36. bleak (adjective) – 
    unpromising, unfavourable, disadvantageous.
  37. augur well (verb) –
    bode, indicate, portend (a good outcome).
  38. occupy (verb) –
    hold the attention of, engross, absorb, preoccupy.
  39. unlikely (adjective) –
    not likely, improbable, questionable.



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