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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25 May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25 May 2020

Almost every competitive exams has English section, that tests the skill of candidates in English language. Therefore candidates have to perform in this section with their best. So it is most important for the students to improve their writing ans well as verbal skills. An important part of this process is working on your English vocabulary.

For improvement of vocabulary we are providing here most important The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25 May 2020.

  1. supplement (verb) – 
    increase, make larger, augment, expand, boost.
  2. besides (preposition) – 
    apart from, excluding, other than; in addition to.
  3. own (verb) – 
    possess, have, have to one’s name.
  4. interest (noun) – 
    advantage, benefit; concern.
  5. procurement (noun) –
    collection, acquiring, purchase.
  6. controversy (noun) – 
    disagreement, dispute, argument.
  7. necessity (noun) – 
    (essential) requirement, prerequisite.
  8. languish (verb) –
    suffer, experience hardship; be abandoned, be neglected, be forgotten.
  9. bottom of the pyramid (BOP) (phrase) –
    the concept ‘Bottom of the Pyramid’ was first used by US President Franklin D Roosevelt in 1932, while talking about the poor people who are often forgotten because they live at the bottom of the economic pyramid. Bottom of the pyramid, also called the base of the pyramid, is a phrase in economics that refers to the poorest two-thirds of the economic human pyramid.
  10. bypass (verb) – 
    avoid, keep out of, dodge, circumvent, get round.
  11. incentive (noun) –
    (financial) stimulus, impetus; concession.
  12. over and above (phrase) – 
    in addition to, as well as, besides.
  13. design (verb) – 
    originate, create, plan, formulate, think up.
  14. intervention (noun) –
    involvement, interference.
  15. palliative (adjective) –
    relating to an action aimed to mitigate/lessen a problem (without addressing the basic reason).
  16. address (verb) –
    tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  17. underlying (adjective) –
    fundamental, basic, primary.
  18. non-remunerative (adjective) –
    non-profitable/unprofitable, non-lucrative, unrewarding, unfruitful, unhelpful.
  19. market-driven (adjective) – 
    determined by on what and how much people want to buy.
  20. pandemic (noun) –
    the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  21. toe the line (phrase) – 
    do things as per someone else’s expectations; to adhere to the expectations/rules; meet/conform to a standard.
  22. render (verb) –
    make, cause to become; cause to be, leave.
  23. food supply chain (noun) –
    a food supply chain or food system refers to the processes that describe how food from a farm ends up on our tables (from farm to fork). The processes include production, processing, distribution, consumption and disposal.
  24. instructive (adjective) – 
    revealing, explanatory, telling, informative.
  25. supremely (adverb) – 
  26. end up (phrasal verb) – 
    come/appear, find oneself (to a particular course of action in the end).
  27. produce (noun) –
    (natural) products, foods.
  28. unmet (adjective) –
    not achieved, not fulfilled.
  29. erupt (verb) – 
    break out, start suddenly, flare up.
  30. take into account (phrase) – 
    consider, note, bear in mind, take account of.
  31. learning (noun) – 
    knowledge, understanding, insight.
  32. vulnerability (noun) –
    weakness/defencelessness, frailty, susceptibility.
  33. arise out (verb) –
    result, occur, stem (from).
  34. morbidity (noun) – 
    an unhealthy state; abnormal/gloomy condition; the quality of being morbid.
  35. messy (adjective) –
    (of a situation/condition) chaotic, confused, disorganized, difficult to deal with.
  36. unsustainable (adjective) –
    flawed, defective, baseless, irrational (pattern/method which disrupts the balance of nature and then exhausts all of natural resources).
  37. vulnerable (adjective) – 
    exposed to, at risk, unprotected/unguarded.
  38. exploitation (noun) –
    taking advantage, making use, ill treatment, unfair treatment.
  39. middlemen (noun) – 
    broker, agent, intermediary.
  40. irrigation (noun) – 
    the process of (artificially) supplying water to farm land to grow crops & plants.
  41. add to (verb) –
    increase, magnify, intensify, amplify.
  42. uncertainty (noun) –
    unpredictability, unreliability, riskiness/precariousness.
  43. buoyant (adjective) – 
    optimistic, confident, hopeful; lively, high-spirited.
  44. war-footing (noun) –
    a state of preparedness (for war).



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