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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25th April 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25th April 2020

  1. overzealous (adjective) – too zealous; excessively sincere, feeling, fervent, impassioned, passionate, enthusiastic.
  2. stress (verb) – emphasize, draw attention to, underscore.
  3. tend to (verb) – be liable, gravitate, be likely.
  4. cent per cent (adjective) – one hundred per cent, complete, total.
  5. anathema (noun) – a curse; bane, abomination/abhorrent.
  6. laudable (adjective) – commendable, admirable, praiseworthy.
  7. objective (noun) – aim, intention, purpose.
  8. deprived (adjective) – disadvantaged, underprivileged, poverty-stricken, impoverished.
  9. quash (verb) – cancel, reverse, repeal.
  10. affirmative action (programme) (noun) – it means positive steps taken to increase the representation of (women and  minorities) in areas of employment, education, and culture from which they have been historically excluded.
  11. as such (phrase) – in itself, intrinsically, by itself.
  12. detrimental (adjective) – inimical, undesirable, unfavourable, unfortunate.
  13. earmark (verb) – designate, reserve, set aside.
  14. adversely (adverb) – unfavourably, disadvantageously, badly.
  15. interest (noun) – benefit, advantage.
  16. subsequent (adjective) – following, ensuing, successive.
  17. rationale (noun) – reason, basis, logic, principle.
  18. chronic (adjective) – constant, continuing; habitual.
  19. absenteeism (noun) – non-attendance, non-appearance, truancy/absence. 
  20. belong to (phrase) – be in, be part of, have a home.
  21. viable (adjective) – manageable, feasible, effective.
  22. come up with (phrasal verb) – produce, put forward, present/submit.
  23. incentive (noun) – reason, motivation, encouragement; stimulus, impetus, boost.
  24. take into account (phrase) – consider, note, bear in mind, take account of.
  25. opportunity (noun) – opening, option, window, chance.
  26. leave the door open (phrase) – to allow for the possibility of something.
  27. ajar (adjective) – slightly open.
  28. clause (noun) – article, point, section (of a treaty/bill); provision, requirement/condition.
  29. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  30. urge (verb) – advise, recommend, suggest.
  31. cap (noun) – ceiling, maximum limit, upper limit, highest permissible level.
  32. albeit (conjunction) – though, even though, however.
  33. innate (adjective) – natural, intrinsic, inherent; essential/inbuilt.
  34. sanctity (noun) – ultimate importance, inviolability; righteousness, goodness.
  35. imperative (adjective) – vitally important, crucial/critical, essential.
  36. breach (verb) – violate, infringe, break.
  37. dispensation (noun) – system, arrangement, plan/scheme.
  38. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context.
  39. obiter dictum (noun) – Latin phrase meaning “things said by the way”; an incidental (and non-essential) opinion/expression or a remark made by a judge which does not form a necessary part of the court’s decision. (obiter dicta is a plural of it).
  40. advocate (verb) – support, promote, champion/espouse.
  41. uncharitable (adjective) – unkind, inconsiderate, thoughtless.
  42. affluent (adjective) – wealthy, rich, well-to-do, well off.
  43. corner (verb) – take over, control, capture, dominate.
  44. trickle down (effect) (noun) – passing on benefits to the people at the bottom of the pyramid (by those at top of the system).



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