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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27 May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27 May 2020

Almost every competitive exams has English section, that tests the skill of candidates in English language. Therefore candidates have to perform in this section with their best. So it is most important for the students to improve their writing ans well as verbal skills. An important part of this process is working on your English vocabulary.

For improvement of vocabulary we are providing here most important The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27 May 2020.

  1. pickle (noun) – 
    difficulty, trouble, crisis.
  2. arbitrary (adjective) – 
    irrational, illogical, unreasonable, unjustifiable.
  3. implications (noun) –
    consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion.
  4. conscious (adjective) –
    strategic, deliberate, purposeful, calculated.
  5. resultant (adjective) –
    occurring as a result of (something just mentioned).
  6. on the face of it (phrase) – 
    apparently, seemingly, evidently/ostensibly.
  7. unexceptionable (adjective) – 
    acceptable, reasonable, fair, good enough.
  8. pass on (phrasal verb) –
    transfer, channelize, direct.
  9. fillip (noun) – 
    stimulus, boost, incentive.
  10. becalmed (adjective) – 
    at a standstill, at a halt, stopped/halted; stranded/stuck.
  11. deregulated (adjective) –
    relating to the market where the government rules & restrictions are removed.
  12. pump price (noun) – 
    the retail selling price of petrol/diesel (to the public).
  13. tumble (verb) – 
    fall/drop, plummet, nosedive suddenly & uncontrollably.
  14. attribute (verb) –
    regard/consider as a reason; connect with, associate with.
  15. amid (preposition) – 
    in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
  16. slump (noun) –  
    decline, tumble, drop, steep fall. 
  17. in the wake of (phrase) – 
    as a result of, in the aftermath of, as a consequence of.
  18. lockdown (noun) –
    an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place;
  19. for one (phrase) – 
    to emphasize that a particular person is definitely viewing in a specific way, even if other people are not.
  20. subsequent (adjective) – 
    following, after.
  21. bring something to a standstill (phrase) –
    bring to an end, finish, conclude.
  22. prospects (noun) –
    chances, potential, expectations.
  23. come under (phrasal verb) –
    be subjected to.
  24. strain (noun) – 
    pressure, stress, burden.
  25. perspective (noun) –
    outlook, viewpoint, approach.
  26. takings (noun) – 
    returns, earnings, proceeds.
  27. consistently (adverb) –
    always, each time, invariably.
  28. tinker (verb) – 
    try to improve, try to mend, play with.
  29. benign (adjective) –
    favourable, advantageous, beneficial, helpful, encouraging.
  30. undermine (verb) –
    reduce, diminish, impede, hinder.
  31. deregulation (noun) –
    the removal of (government’s) regulations in an industry.
  32. ought to (modal verb) –
    must, should.
  33. accrue to (verb) –
    receive, get (the benefit/advantage over a period of time).
  34. ascent (noun) –
    a rise (to a higher level).
  35. fallout (noun) – 
    adverse results; after-effects, repercussions.
  36. unchecked (adjective) – 
    uncontrolled, unconstrained, unrestricted.
  37. bear fruit (phrase) – 
    yield/get results, succeed, be effective.
  38. curb (noun) –
    restraint, control/check, restriction, limitation.
  39. inter- (prefix) –
  40. in place (phrase) –
  41. contract (verb) –
    decline, decrease, diminish, reduce.
  42. unlikely (adjective) –
    not likely, improbable/doubtful, questionable.
  43. shrink (verb) – 
    lessen, reduce, decrease.
  44. household (noun) –
    family, house.
  45. rebound (verb) – 
    recovery, bounce back, pick up, rally (after decline).
  46. ambitious (adjective) – 
    formidable, challenging, difficult; tough.
  47. disinvestment (noun) – 
    the process of reducing capital investments.
  48. fiscal (noun) – 
    financial year.
  49. stake sale (noun) –
    it refers to a company selling its equity holding in a particular company to another company.
  50. potential (adjective) –
    possible, prospective, probable.
  51. lack of (noun) – 
    shortage, deficiency, dearth.
  52. autonomy (noun) –
    self-rule, independence, freedom.
  53. interest (noun) –
    concern, matter.
  54. (kill) the goose that lays the golden eggs (phrase) –
    to seek short term gain at the sacrifice of long term profit.



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