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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 29th February 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 29th February 2020

  1. breakdown (noun) – failure, collapse, foundering.
  2. trust deficit (noun) – lack of trust (on authorities-from societal point of view). Situations with low levels of trust are not supportive and often counterproductive. People feel vulnerable and look at each other with suspicion. As a result, they are less open, since they fear that they will not be fairly treated by the other side.
  3. seek (verb) – attempt, try/aim, strive, work towards.
  4. subdue (verb) – restrain, control, contain.
  5. simmer (verb) – be in a suppressed state (anger, tension or other emotion); fume, be boiling over, breathe fire.
  6. camaraderie (noun) – friendship, brotherhood, solidarity, togetherness, mutual support.
  7. shine through (phrasal verb) – (of good quality) be visible, be evident, be noticeable.
  8. amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
  9. orchestrated (adjective) – organized, arranged, choreographed.
  10. mayhem (noun) – chaos, disorder, turmoil, havoc.
  11. rankle (verb) – annoy, upset/irritate; continue to be painful/fester.
  12. from top to bottom (phrase) – thoroughly, extensively, completely.
  13. credible (adjective) – believable, acceptable, reasonable, convincing.
  14. account (noun) – explanation, description, narrative.
  15. horrendous (adjective) – horrible, terrible, frightful.
  16. act of omission and commission (phrase) – act of omission and commission are, respectively, things someone failed to do, and things someone has done.
  17. take someone to task (phrase) – reprove/reprimand, censure, criticize.
  18. wring (verb) – force, extract, elicit, wrest.
  19. shield (verb) – protect, keep safe, secure, safeguard.
  20. incendiary (adjective) – provocative, agitational, rabble-rousing.
  21. peruse (verb) – look through, inspect, examine.
  22. analogous (adjective) – comparable, parallel, similar.
  23. bizarre (adjective) – strange, unusual, unconventional/eccentric, ridiculous.
  24. take up (phrasal verb) – pursue, engage in, prosecute, conduct.
  25. incapacitate (verb) – paralyse, disable, immobilize/deactivate.
  26. put off (phrasal verb) – postpone, defer, delay.
  27. purportedly (adverb) – allegedly, reportedly, supposedly.
  28. stoke (verb) – incite, encourage, fuel, provoke.
  29. admission (noun) – acknowledgement, acceptance, declaration.
  30. blatant (adjective) – evident, flagrant/glaring, obvious.
  31. partisanship (noun) – bias, prejudice, discrimination, favour.
  32. abdication (noun) – disowning, rejection, refusal/avoidance.
  33. swiftly (adverb) – quickly, rapidly, fast.
  34. mob (noun) – a large, disorganized and often violent crowd of people.
  35. endorse (verb) – support, uphold, confirm, vindicate/validate.
  36. mobilisation (noun) – the act of bringing people/resources together for a particular cause.

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