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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 30th March 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 30th March 2020

  1. count (verb) – matter, be significant, be important; include, take into account.
  2. pause (noun) – break/interval, temporary stoppage, suspension.
  3. redraft (verb) – change, modify, adjust, alter.
  4. postpone (verb) – delay, defer, reschedule, hold off.
  5. in view of (phrase) – in the light of, owing to, considering.
  6. COVID-19 (noun) – coronavirus disease 2019.
  7. outbreak (noun) – sudden appearance/occurrence (of a disease); outburst, epidemic.
  8. bring something to a standstill (phrase) – bring to an end, finish, conclude.
  9. lock down (noun) – a state of isolation; confinement, restraint, encirclement.
  10. semblance (noun) – appearance, approximation; likeness, similarity.
  11. normalcy (noun) – a normal condition; normality, regularity.
  12. make sense of (phrase) – understand, comprehend, fathom out.
  13. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  14. accompanying (adjective) – occurring, happening, taking place (at the same time).
  15. inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, sure to happen, unpreventable.
  16. calamity (noun) – disaster, catastrophe, tragedy.
  17. for certain (phrase) – definitely, undoubtedly, for sure.
  18. mobilise (verb) – organize, deploy, galvanize/encourage, call up, bring into play.
  19. combat (verb) – fight, tackle, confront/resist.
  20. malady (noun) – serious problem.
  21. tend (verb) – move/proceed in a particular direction (by looking after or taking care of something).
  22. dynamism (noun) – strength, powerfulness, potency/efficacy.
  23. diversion (noun) – rerouting, redirection, deflection, digression.
  24. enumeration (noun) – the action of establishing the number of something; counting, numbering, tally.
  25. put off (phrasal verb) – postpone, defer, delay.
  26. pressing (adjective) – critical, desperate, serious.
  27. coronavirus (CoV)(noun) – a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. (Courtesy: WHO)
  28. suspension (noun) – postponement, delay, adjournment.
  29. window (noun) – opportunity, chance, opening.
  30. context (noun) – circumstances, conditions, situation.
  31. reconciliation (noun) – restoration of harmony, resolution, compromise.
  32. allied (adjective) – associated, related, connected.
  33. cauldron (noun) – unstable situation, uncertainty (with emotions).
  34. discord (noun) – disagreement, lack of agreement, lack of harmony; hostility. 
  35. collective (adjective) – combined, united, cooperative (by all the members of a group).
  36. nay (adverb) – in truth, in fact, actually.
  37. interconnectedness (noun) – the state of being connected or related to each other.
  38. make something clear to (phrase) – to help one understand something.
  39. pro forma (noun) – a Latin term that means “for the sake of form” or “as a matter of form.”It is most often used to describe a practice or document that is provided as a courtesy or satisfies minimum requirements, conforms to a norm or doctrine, tends to be performed perfunctorily (done quickly) or is considered a formality.
  40. prelude (noun) – introduction, start, beginning.
  41. cynical (adjective) – sceptical, doubtful, distrustful.
  42. divisive (adjective) – alienating/isolating, disharmonious, discordant.
  43. quaint (adjective) – unusual, different, out of the ordinary.
  44. nationhood (noun) – the fact of being a nation.
  45. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  46. underlying (adjective) – fundamental, basic, primary.
  47. humanity (noun) – humankind, the human race, people.
  48. fragmented (adjective) – separated, isolated, disintegrated/collapsed/divided.
  49. mutually (adverb) – together, cooperatively, in concert.
  50. harmony (noun) – unity, solidarity, peace/goodwill.
  51. frayed (adjective) – strained, stressed, fraught, overtaxed.
  52. unshakeable (adjective) – steadfast, resolute/firm, determined.
  53. tide over (phrasal verb) – sustain, keep someone going, help/assist (someone in difficulty).
  54. come out of (phrasal verb) – to no longer be in a bad situation (crisis).
  55. fade (verb) – disappear, vanish, diminish/decrease.
  56. sobering (adjective) – serious/sensible, thoughtful; logical/realistic, pragmatic.
  57. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context.

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