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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 7th April 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 7th April 2020

  1. mind the gap (phrase) – warning/instruction given (particularly to alert commuter to be aware of the space between the metro train and the platform).
  2. millennia (noun) – plural form of millennium (a period of a thousand years).
  3. contagion (noun) – the spreading of a dangerous disease.
  4. humankind (noun) – humanity, the human race, people.
  5. pestilence (noun) – disease, epidemic/pandemic, infection.
  6. as far as (phrase) – to the degree/extent that.
  7. novel coronavirus (nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) (noun) – a new strain (type/variety) coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. (Courtesy: WHO)
  8. until Recently (phrase) – up to an unspecified point in the past not long before now.
  9. outbreak (noun) – sudden appearance/occurrence(of a disease); outburst, epidemic.
  10. whirlwind (noun) – a busy, tumultuous (uncontrolled) activity or process.
  11. goad (verb) – motivate, encourage, stimulate/urge.
  12. hunger (noun) – desire, craving, thirst, appetite.
  13. at/on last count (phrase) – at the time when something was last counted.
  14. context (noun) – circumstances, conditions, situation.
  15. obfuscate (verb) – confuse, complicate, make unclear.
  16. deliberately (adverb) – intentionally, purposely, knowingly/wittingly.
  17. section (noun) – a particular group within a larger body of people.
  18. reinforce (verb) – strengthen, fortify, bolster up.
  19. prejudice (noun) – preconception; bigotry,intolerance, discrimination.
  20. xenophobia (noun) – Greek phrase meaning fear/hatred of foreigners; racism.
  21. perilous (adjective) – dangerous, risky, life-threatening.
  22. come under (phrasal verb) – be subjected to.
  23. congregation (noun) – gathering, assembly, meeting, conference.
  24. faithful (noun) – believers, communicants, adherents.
  25. turn out (phrasal verb) – transpire, emerge; happen/occur.
  26. epicentre (noun) – the main point of unpleasant or problematic situation.
  27. cluster (noun) – a group (of people considered as a unit).
  28. COVID-19 (noun) – coronavirus disease 2019.
  29. hostility (noun) – opposition, aversion, enmity, antipathy; unfriendliness, bitterness.
  30. brutally (adverb) – cruelly, savagely, ruthlessly.
  31. briefer (noun) – an official who is giving detailed information about something.
  32. volunteer (verb) – put forward, say, declare, submit/suggest (something without being asked).
  33. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.
  34. activist (noun) – advocate, champion, supporter (of a political or societal change/cause).
  35. hotspot (noun) – a place of significant activity.
  36. containment (noun) – an act of keeping something (harmful) under control.
  37. mitigation (noun) – alleviation, reduction; lessening.
  38. defiantly (adverb) – disobediently, non-compliantly, uncooperatively, counter-actively, challengingly.
  39. contact tracing (noun) – it is defined as the identification and follow-up of persons who may have come into contact with a person infected with the virus.
  40. unconscionable (adjective) – unethical, immoral, unprincipled, wrong.
  41. folly (noun) – foolishness, stupidity, madness, irresponsibility, thoughtlessness.
  42. trigger (verb) – give rise to, bring about, prompt.
  43. avalanche (noun) – sudden arrival or happening of something (in very large quantities) at the same time.
  44. add fuel to the fire (phrase) – to make a bad situation worse; increase, magnify, amplify, augment, intensify, heighten (a difficult situation).
  45. communalism (noun) – adherence/obedience to one’s own ethnic group (against the principle/practice of living together in a wider society).
  46. douse (verb) – extinguish, put out, quench (a fire).
  47. smouldering (adjective) – burning without flame; fuming, simmering, festering (in a suppressed state).
  48. embers (noun) – glowing coal, burning wood.
  49. deepen (verb) – increase, intensify, exacerbate, aggravate, worsen.
  50. fissure (noun) – a state of incompatibility; disagreement, gap/crack/opening.



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