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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 14 May 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 14 May 2020

  1. motif (noun) – 
    theme, concept, idea, motive, topic/subject.
  2. self-reliance (noun) – 
    self-sufficiency, self-support, self-sustenance.
  3. undermine (verb) –
    reduce, diminish, impede, hinder.
  4. overly (adverb) –
    excessively, exceedingly, unduly, inordinately, immoderately.
  5. ambitious (adjective) –
    zealous, enthusiastic, motivated/determined, hoping/striving.
  6. emphasis (noun) – 
    stress/attention, priority, underlining, underscoring.
  7. drive (noun) –
    campaign, movement, effort, push.
  8. self-reliant (adjective) – 
    self-sufficient, self-supporting, self-sustaining, self-standing.
  9. merely (adverb) – 
    only, simply, just.
  10. spawn (verb) –
    produce, generate, cause, give rise to, result in (much of new things quickly).
  11. pandemic (noun) –
    the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  12. throwback (noun) – 
    having a characteristic/quality of an earlier time; a return to a previous method of doing something.
  13. nationalist (adjective) – 
    patriotic, pro one’s country.
  14. high tide (noun) –
    highest level, culminating point.
  15. globalisation (noun) – 
    the process of making the trade of goods and services equivalent in all nations (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  16. sweep (over) (verb) –
    move quickly, flow across quickly & engulf, overwhelm, flood.
  17. foretell (verb) – 
    predict, forecast, foresee, envisage.
  18. potential (adjective) –
    possible, likely, probable.
  19. centrist (adjective) – 
    a person whose political opinions are not extreme, falling between those of liberals and conservatives.
  20. nationalist (noun) –
    a supporter/advocate of nationalism.
  21. liberalisation (noun) – 
    removal or loosening of restrictions on something, typically an economic or political system.
  22. privatisation (noun) – 
    transfer of a business, industry, or service from public to private ownership and control.
  23. skirt around (verb) – 
    go along something, go around something.
  24. whirlwind (noun) –
    a busy, tumultuous (uncontrolled) activity or process.
  25. capital market (noun) –
    it is basically a system in which people, companies, and governments with an excess of funds transfer those funds to people, companies, and governments that have a shortage of funds.
  26. international capital market (noun) – 
    International capital market is the group of different country’s capital market. International capital markets are the same mechanism but in the global sphere, in which governments, companies, and people borrow and invest across national boundaries.
  27. hesitant (adjective) –
    dubious, tentative, half-hearted, sceptical, reluctant.
  28. clamour (noun) –
    protest, complaint, outcry/commotion.
  29. vocal (adjective) –
    vociferous, outspoken, forthright; relating to someone who expresses his/her views freely.
  30. quarter (noun) –
    an unspecified group of people.
  31. insularity (noun) –
    the quality of being interested in own country and not willing to accept anything (ideas, culture, etc,.) from outside of it.
  32. disruptive (adjective) –
    turbulent, unsettling, unmanageable, uncontrollable, uncooperative.
  33. headwinds (noun) – 
    (in business) situations or conditions that make growth harder/difficult. Whereas tailwinds describe a situation or condition that will move growth, revenues, or profits higher.
  34. turn out (phrasal verb) –
    transpire, emerge; happen/occur.
  35. take over (phrasal verb) – 
    assume control of, take charge of, take command of.
  36. cry (noun) – 
    urgent request, demand, entreaty.
  37. bolder comparative adjective of bold (adjective) – 
    courageous, confident, decisive.
  38. if anything (phrase) – 
    on the contrary.
  39. course (noun) –
    route, way, direction, path.
  40. seek (verb) –
    try, attempt, strive, work towards.
  41. ideological (adjective) –
    relating to a system of ideas.
  42. calling (noun) – 
    mission, purpose, vocation.
  43. ride on (phrasal verb) –
    depend on.
  44. mobilisation (noun) –
    the act of bringing people/resources together for a particular cause.
  45. dispossessed (adjective) – 
    deprived (of property), impoverished, homeless.
  46. alienated (adjective) –
    isolated, estranged, detached.
  47. rumbling (adjective) –
    (of dissatisfaction) continuing in a modest way.
  48. march (noun) –
    progress, advance, development, continuance.
  49. vent (verb) –
    release, let out, express.
  50. bring to the fore (phrase) – 
    to move something forward to a most important position (to make it more visible).
  51. inevitability (noun) –
    necessity, certainty, requirement, compulsion.
  52. rely on (phrasal verb) –
    depend on; resort to, bank on.
  53. vulnerable (adjective) –
    unprotected, unguarded, helpless.
  54. unmatched (adjective) – 
    unequalled, incomparable, unparalleled, second to none.
  55. leverage (noun) – 
    advantage, influence, power/authority.
  56. global supply chain (noun) – 
    a dynamic worldwide network when a company purchases or uses goods or services from overseas. It involves people, information, processes and resources involved in the production, handling and distribution of materials and finished products or providing a service to the customer.
  57. weaponise (verb) –
    use as a weapon.
  58. illustrate (verb) – 
    explain, elucidate, clarify. 
  59. inseparably (adverb) – 
    indivisibly, firmly.
  60. humanity (noun) –
    humankind, the human race, people.
  61. dynamics (noun) –
    basic/fundamental cause or force which triggers change within a system.
  62. framework (noun) –
    structure,scheme, system.
  63. repudiate (verb) – 
    reject, deny, disavow, contradict, rebut.
  64. syntax (noun) –
    Greek meaning “arranging together” (of different elements in a certain way to make a structure/system). Syntax generally means “a set of rules in a language to arrange words in sentences, phrases, etc,.
  65. rhetorical (adjective) –
    relating to the art of speaking or writing effectively & persuasively or impressively (but, often lacking substance); oratorical, overblown, extravagant, bombastic.
  66. unmindful (adjective) – 
    unthinking, neglectful of, unconscious of.
  67. succour (noun) –
    aid/help/support, assistance, relief.
  68. the disadvantaged (noun) –
    the deprived, the poverty-stricken, the underprivileged.
  69. facade (noun) –
    outward appearance, false display, posture, pretence.
  70. authoritarianism (noun) –
    autocracy, fascism, totalitarianism/draconianism. 
  71. profess (verb) –
    claim, state, pretend, purport, allege.
  72. alike (adverb) –



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