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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 26 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 26 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 26 June 2020

Almost every competitive exams has English section, that tests the skill of candidates in English language. Therefore candidates have to perform in this section with their best. So it is most important for the students to improve their writing as well as verbal skills. An important part of this process is working on your English vocabulary.

For improvement of vocabulary we are providing here most important The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 26 June 2020.

  1. flag (verb) –
    indicate, identify, point out.
  2. lockdown (noun) –
    an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place.
  3. inure to (verb) –
    to accustom to something (undesirable/unpleasant). (“be accustomed to” means “be used to”).
  4. distressingly (adverb) – 
    upsettingly,worryingly, affectingly.
  5. allegedly (adverb) – 
    supposedly, purportedly, reportedly.
  6. outlet (noun) – 
    retail store.
  7. remand (verb) – 
    imprison, jail, send to prison, put behind bars.
  8. take ill (phrase) –
    become unwell suddenly.
  9. successive (adjective) –
    consecutive, following.
  10. breathe one’s last (phrase) –
    die, pass away, expire.
  11. swift (adjective) – 
    prompt, rapid, sudden, immediate, quick.
  12. take cognisance of (phrase) –
    notice, attend to, take into account, give attention to.
  13. suo motu (phrase) –
    Latin term means “on its own motion”. It is used where a government agency acts on its own knowledge.
  14. statutory (adjective) –
    legitimate,acceptable, permissible/admissible.
  15. magisterial (adjective) – 
  16. autopsy (noun) – 
  17. mere (adjective) – 
    just, only, basic.
  18. personnel (noun) – 
    staff, employees, workforce.
  19. incredibly (adverb) – 
    extremely, remarkably.
  20. abuse (noun) – 
    injustice, wrongdoing, misconduct; misuse of something.
  21. machinery (noun) –
    system, institution, agency, structure.
  22. take over (phrasal verb) – 
    assume control of, take charge of, take command of, assume responsibility for.
  23. pervasive (adjective) –
    common, general, widespread, prevalent, ubiquitous, omnipresent.
  24. torture (noun) – 
    infliction of pain, torment, ill treatment.
  25. extract (verb) – 
    force, elicit, wrest, obtain (by threat).
  26. admission (noun) – 
    acknowledgement, acceptance, confession.
  27. regrettably (adverb) – 
    unluckily, sadly, unhappily.
  28. settle a score (phrase) – 
    take revenge, retaliate, hit back at someone. 
  29. ultimately (adverb) – 
    eventually, in the end, finally.
  30. lack of (noun) – 
    absence, deficiency, unavailability, dearth.
  31. professionalism (noun) – 
    competence, skilfulness, capability, efficiency, ability (to do a certain profession).
  32. pathology (noun) – 
    (mental) abnormality, unhealthiness, malfunction.
  33. inflict (verb) –
    cause, administer, impose, exact.
  34. innumerable (adjective) – 
    countless, numerous, untold.
  35. back (verb) – 
    support, endorse, approve of. 
  36. in the name of (phrase) – 
    for the sake of, at the behest of.
  37. overturn (verb) –
    topple over, turn over, throw over, upend.
  38. thrash (verb) –
    beat repeatedly & violently (with a stick).
  39. offence (noun) –
    breach, violation (of the law).
  40. attract (verb) –
    draw, engage, cause, bring forth.
  41. extortion (noun) – 
    blackmail, demanding money (with threats), extraction.
  42. intimidation (noun) – 
    frightening, threatening, coercion, browbeating.
  43. solely (adverb) – 
    only, entirely, completely.
  44. non-bailable (adjective) –
    not capable of being released on bail.
  45. bend upon (phrasal verb) – 
    be very determined, be inclined, be prepared to do something.
  46. perverse (adjective) –
    illogical, irrational, unreasonable; wrong, incorrect.
  47. inclination (noun) – 
    preference, liking, interest, predisposition.
  48. harass (verb) –
    oppress, persecute, attack repeatedly.
  49. top brass (noun) – 
    very important/famous people in authority.
  50. bear (verb) – 
    carry, support, shoulder, take on; take responsibility for.
  51. atrocity (noun) – 
    act of barbarity/brutality, cruelty, inhumanity.
  52. lay down (phrasal verb) – 
    formulate, stipulate, set down.
  53. humaneness (noun) – 
    compassionateness, kindness, kind-heartedness.



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