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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27 June 2020

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27 June 2020

Almost every competitive exams has English section, that tests the skill of candidates in English language. Therefore candidates have to perform in this section with their best. So it is most important for the students to improve their writing as well as verbal skills. An important part of this process is working on your English vocabulary.

For improvement of vocabulary we are providing here most important The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27 June 2020.

  1. mischief (noun) –
    bad behaviour, misconduct, mischievousness, perversity.
  2. defection (noun) – 
    desertion, absconding, decamping.
  3. instability (noun) – 
    uncertainty, unpredictability, lack of stability.
  4. reign (verb) –
    exist, be present, prevail, be in effect, be the case.
  5. slender (adjective) –
    modest, slight, scant/little.
  6. dubious (adjective) –
    suspicious, questionable, doubtful.
  7. means (noun) – 
    method, way, procedure.
  8. fold (noun) –
    group, community.
  9. stave off (phrasal verb) –
    avert, prevent, avoid, rule out.
  10. rumbling (noun) –
    hint, intimation, indication (of dissatisfaction).
  11. sailing (noun) – 
  12. far from (phrase) – 
    not, not at all, nowhere near.
  13. short of (phrase) –
    less than.
  14. manufacture (verb) – 
    make up, devise, formulate, fabricate.
  15. orchestrate (verb) – 
    organize, coordinate, mastermind, engineer, choreograph.
  16. disciplinary (adjective) –
    enforcing punishment/discipline.
  17. weigh in (phrasal verb) –
    to provide advise an opinion or a statement into an argument/discussion/plan; comment, remark.
  18. cross over (phrasal verb) – 
    go across to the opposite side; traverse.
  19. see fit (phrase) –
    regard something as a right thing.
  20. selective (adjective) –
    careful, cautious.
  21. defector (noun) – 
    betrayer, turncoat, traitor.
  22. upset (verb) –
    unsettle, topple, overturn, knock down.
  23. upset the apple cart (phrase) – 
    foil, spoil prevent, thwart (a plan).
  24. machiavellian (adjective) –
    cunning/tricky, opportunistic, unscrupulous (dishonest).
  25. manoeuvre (noun) –
    activity, measure, plan/operation (carefully planned).
  26. besides (preposition) – 
    apart from.
  27. no-confidence motion (noun) – 
    It is a statement or vote that a person in a position of responsibility (government) is no longer deemed fit to hold that position.
  28. shine a light on (phrase) – 
    to make something clear and understandable.
  29. whimsical (adjective) –
    capricious, unusual, unconventional, uncommon; mischievous, impulsive, unpredictable.
  30. allegiance (noun) – 
    loyalty, faithfulness, devotion.
  31. disparate (adjective) – 
    contrasting, different, dissimilar.
  32. loaves plural form of loaf (noun) – 
    slice, share, portion.
  33. programmatic (adjective) – 
    methodical, disciplined, systematic.
  34. understanding (noun) –
    comprehension, interpretation, perception.
  35. result in (verb) – 
    cause, bring on, give rise to, trigger.
  36. resort to (verb) –
    use, utilize, turn to, have recourse to.
  37. brinkmanship (noun) –
    the practice of trying to achieve an advantageous outcome by pushing dangerous events to the brink (edge) of active conflict, especially in politics.
  38. render (verb) –
    make, cause to be, cause to become.
  39. unwieldy (adjective) – 
    cumbersome, unmanageable, badly organized (administration/government system).
  40. battle of wits (phrase) –
    a situation in which opposite groups are using tactics/tricks to defeat each other (rather than brutal force).
  41. outfit (noun) – 
    organization, group.
  42. reflect (verb) –
    indicate, display, show, reveal.
  43. principled (adjective) – 
    moral, honest, proper, righteous.
  44. build on (phrasal verb) –
    develop, expand/enlarge on; enhance.
  45. accommodate (verb) –
    adjust, adapt, attune, accustom, get accustomed.
  46. interest (noun) –
    benefit, advantage, concern.
  47. carrot (noun) –
    promise, reward, offer; temptation, goading, persuasion/convincing.
  48. constitute (verb) – 
    comprise, make up, account for.
  49. rely upon (phrasal verb) – 
    depend on; resort to, have recourse to.
  50. unseemly (adjective) – 
    improper, inappropriate, unsuitable; ill-advised.
  51. to-an-fro (adverb) – 
    from place to place, back and forth, from pillar to post.
  52. disgruntlement (noun) – dissatisfaction, discontent, disappointment, unhappiness, frustration.
  53. inevitable (adjective) –
    unavoidable, unpreventable.
  54. glue (noun) –
    something (a substance) that binds/joins together.
  55. commonplace (noun) –
    ordinary, routine, common, normal, usual.



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