The Hindu Vocabulary 11th February 2020
- disadvantaged (adjective) – underprivileged, depressed, deprived (people).
- obligation (noun) – necessary condition/necessity, requirement; duty/responsibility.
- received wisdom (phrase) – conventional wisdom, common knowledge, accepted ideas (as true), popular belief (which may be questionable).
- affirmative action (noun) – it means positive steps taken to increase the representation of (women and) minorities in areas of employment, education, and culture from which they have been historically excluded.
- jurisprudence (noun) – body of laws/rules; legal system.
- sound (noun) – substantial, strong; reasonable, logical.
- framework (noun) – structure,scheme, system.
- subjecte to (adjective) – conditional on, contingent on, dependent on, depending on.
- solidify (verb) – make stronger, reinforce, consolidate.
- entitlement (noun) – allowance, allocation, ration/grant.
- provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement.
- as such (phrase) – in itself, intrinsically, by itself.
- bound to (adjective) – certain/sure, very likely, guaranteed; under obligation, compelled.
- quantifiable (adjective) – able to be measured as a quantity.
- quantifiable data (noun) – all data that is quantifiable, verifiable, and amenable to statistical manipulation classifies as quantitative data.
- set aside (phrasal verb) – overrule, overturn, cancel/dismiss.
- adequacy (noun) – sufficiency, effectiveness, acceptability.
- irrelevant (adjective) – immaterial, unrelated, not germane.
- root (noun) – source, origin, reason.
- lie in (phrasal verb) – be present, be contained, exist.
- give up (phrasal verb) – abandon, forgo, renounce.
- consonance (noun) – agreement, concord, accordance.
- loom (verb) – emerge, appear, become visible.
- (be) at the receiving end of (phrase) – be subjected to something.
- discrimination (noun) – prejudice, bias/bigotry, intolerance/inequity.
- persist (verb) – continue, carry on, keep going.
- no more (phrase) – neither.
- exception (noun) – special case, anomaly, peculiarity.
- facet (noun) – aspect, feature, characteristic/nuance.
- proportionate equality (noun) – the treatment of relevant persons/groups according to their due. This means that distribution will not be numerically equal but will be governed in relation to persons’ deemed rightful needs.
- substantive equality (noun) – a fundamental aspect of human rights law that is concerned with equitable outcomes and equal opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalized people and groups in society.
- the marginalised (noun) – people who are treated as insignificant, treated as unimportant, neglected.
- leg-up (noun) – support provided to improve one’s situation; contribution, allowance, benefaction.
- read into (phrasal verb) – assume from, attribute to, infer from.
- inescapable (adjective) – unavoidable, sure, required.
- lest (conjunction) – in case, just in case, in order to avoid.
- render (verb) – make, cause to be, cause to become.
- backwardness (noun) – the condition/state of not developed.
- perceptible (adjective) – noticeable, perceivable, visible.
- imbalance (noun) – disparity, variation, disproportion, unevenness.