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HomeEditorial VocabularyThe Hindu Vocabulary 12th February 2020

The Hindu Vocabulary 12th February 2020

  1. undermine (verb) – reduce, spoil, damage.
  2. resounding (adjective) – emphatic, colossal, very great, huge, massive.
  3. enchantment (noun) – magic, attraction, enticement, delight.
  4. endorsement (noun) – support, backing, approval.
  5. track record (noun) – previous performance/conduct.
  6. along the way (phrase) – during the course of a particular event.
  7. perfect (verb) – improve, make perfect, make something as good as possible, consummate, achieve/accomplish.
  8. cocktail (noun) – mixture of different substances.
  9. turn out (phrasal verb) – transpire, emerge, appear.
  10. potent (adjective) – strong, powerful, influential.
  11. counter (noun) – something which is opposing or preventing something else.
  12. toxic (adjective) – dangerous, destructive, harmful.
  13. polarisation (noun) – separation of two contrasting groups (based on different opinions/beliefs).
  14. champion (verb) – advocate, promote, support.
  15. succour (noun) – aid/help/support, assistance, relief.
  16. vulnerable (adjective) – relating to a weak/neglected person who is in need of special care/support.
  17. vote with their feet (phrase) – indicate one’s approval by staying in (or indicate one’s disapproval by walking out).
  18. maverick (adjective) – unusual, distinctive, different/atypical.
  19. footing (noun) – basis/base; status, position.
  20. deploy (verb) – employ (resources).
  21. dexterity (noun) – capability, ability, efficiency.
  22. sidestep (verb) – avoid, evade, dodge, escape.
  23. landmine (noun) – used figuratively to mean an explosive device/mine hidden under or on the ground.
  24. narrow (verb) – diminish, decrease, reduce.
  25. skirt around (verb) – go along something, go around something.
  26. contemporary (adjective) – modern, present-day, current, present-time.
  27. tacitly (adverb) – implicitly, unexpressedly, silently.
  28. side with (verb) – support, favour, prefer, stand by.
  29. majoritarian (adjective) – relating to a philosophy that states that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class, or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy (priority) in society, and has the right to make decisions that affect the society.
  30. devoid of (adjective) – lacking, without, free of/free from.
  31. electioneering (noun) – campaign, canvass, doorstep.
  32. divisive (adjective) – alienating/isolating, disharmonious, discordant.
  33. incentivise (verb) – encourage, motivate, galvanize.
  34. read (verb) – interpret, understand, comprehend.
  35. empty (verb) – remove, vacate, void, clear.
  36. exaggeration (noun) – overstatement, dramatization, hyperbole.
  37. blow (noun) – setback, upset, misfortune.
  38. flatter (verb) – compliment, praise, commend/admire.
  39. take on (phrasal verb) – oppose, challenge, confront/fight, compete against.
  40. nevertheless (adverb) – in spite of that, even so, however.
  41. hyperventilate (verb) – become overexcited.
  42. count (verb) – matter, enter into consideration, be significant, mean a lot.
  43. spur (verb) – stimulate, encourage, motivate.
  44. dissent (noun) – disagreement, disapproval, opposition.
  45. hitherto (adverb) – previously, earlier, so/thus far.
  46. muffle (verb) – quieten/suppress, silence, tone down.
  47. idiom (noun) – expression, way of speaking, set phrase.
  48. hold sway (phrase) – hold power, rule, be most powerful.
  49. playbook (noun) – strategies.
  50. draw a blank (phrase) – fail.
  51. dissect (verb) – analyse, examine, inspect.
  52. plank (noun) – a fundamental & important point/principle on which something (political program, policy, etc) is based on.
  53. majoritarianism (noun) – a philosophy that states that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class, or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy (priority) in society, and has the right to make decisions that affect the society.
  54. take (the bull) by the horns (phrase) – to deal with a difficult situation with determination and courage.
  55. alternative politics (noun) – a determination to work with the bottom-up approach rather than top-down and a
    commitment to politics as peoples’ work. It opposes the idea of governance that is limited to the bureaucratized and professional activity restricted to a paid class of persons set apart from the common people of the country. It makes strong pitch for decentralization decision making apparatus in the governance. It aims at overhauling the politics and political structures of the country.
  56. centrestage (verb) – prioritize, highlight,  treat something as a prominent one.
  57. livelihood (noun) – source of income, means of support, living, subsistence.

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